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Re: [CVE-2014-0114]: Apache Ignite is vulnerable to existing CVE-2014-0114

From: Andrey Gura <agura () apache org>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2018 19:32:22 +0300


I've looked to the problem and didn't see any problem with BeanUtils.
Only module that depends on BeanUtils is Cassandra cache store in
order to map POJO to CQL queries. Usages are only on Ignite side with
configured Cassandra cache store and can't exploit described
vulnerability from my point of view. All classes are already
accessible on Ignite node (so class loader is also accessible without
any exploites) and this classes don't exist on Cassandra side.

I also don't see any reason to include BeanUtils library into Ignite
.Net package because it never uses this library. Just a bug in build


On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 7:08 PM, Denis Magda <dmagda () apache org> wrote:
Hello Tomas,

We've just updated the version of Binutils because Ignite doesn't use this
library directly. So we don't need to inject addBeanIntrospector call.

Binutils are used by some dependencies like Cassandra. Let us confirm that
the dependencies shouldn't be upgraded.


On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 4:33 AM, Tomas Hoger <thoger () redhat com> wrote:

Hi Denis!

On Fri, 1 Jun 2018 10:16:50 -0700 Denis Magda wrote:

[CVE-2014-0114]: Apache Ignite is vulnerable to existing CVE-2014-0114

Severity: Important

Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation

Versions Affected: Apache Ignite 2.4 or earlier

An attacker can execute arbitrary code on Ignite nodes in the case
when Ignite classpath contains arbitrary vulnerable classes.

Apache Ignite used commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar library which did not
suppress the class property, which allowed remote attackers to
"manipulate" the ClassLoader and execute arbitrary code via the class
parameter, as demonstrated by the passing of this parameter to the
getClass method of the ActionForm object in Struts 1.

This announcement is very light on details.  Would it be possible to
provide more details, ideally a link to the fix that was applied to
address this issue?

Searching for more information, I found out that the upstream Jira
ticket for this issue should be:


The ticket is non-public, but its content is leaked via a mailing list:


This has some important info, indicating that the problem (only?)
affects Ignite for .NET.  The reported problem basically seems to be:
Ignite for .NET bundles commons-beanutils 1.8.3 and that should be
upgraded to 1.9.2.  Looking into apache.ignite.2.4.0.nupkg and
apache.ignite.2.5.0.nupkg, I can see that commons-beanutils upgrade as
requested did happen in 2.5.0.

Note that I do not see any commons-beanutils jar in
apache-ignite-fabric-2.4.0-bin.zip and
apache-ignite-fabric-2.5.0-bin.zip.  Are those, as well as source
distribution, considered unaffected?

Now back to the CVE - I do not believe that your re-use of the old
CVE-2014-0114 is correct.  In the report, there was some ambiguity
whether Struts or Commons-BeanUtils should be blamed for the flaw,
however it seems to be explicit enough that the CVE-2014-0114 is for


As noted in the mail, the problem wasn't fixed in Commons-BeanUtils,
which only added mechanisms to make it easy for applications using
Commons-BeanUtils to easily disable processing of the "class"
property.  It did not even disable processing by default, as noted in
the release notes:


Release 1.9.2 mainly addresses a potential security issue when accessing
properties in an uncontrolled way. In a nutshell, if an application that
Commons BeanUtils passes property paths from an external source directly to
the getProperty() method of BeanUtilsBean, an attacker can access the class
loader via the class property available on all Java objects.

In version 1.9.2 now a special BeanIntrospector class was added which
suppressing this property. Note that this BeanIntrospector is NOT enabled
default! Commons BeanUtils is a low-level library, and on this layer it
be decided whether access to a certain property is legal or not. Therefore,
an application has to activate this suppressing BeanIntrospector
This can be done with the following lines of code:

BeanUtilsBean bub = new BeanUtilsBean();

Now all access to properties has to be done via the specially configured
BeanUtilsBean instance. More information about this issue can be found at
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEANUTILS-463 or in section 2.5
of the user's guide.

Note that there was a request to assign a separate CVE for the
BeanUtils part that was rejected (actually, CVE-2014-3540 was assigned
and later rejected), see this post from Mitre for details:


It has few parts that are relevant to Ignite:

In particular, the 1597344 change has this documentation:

   Adding this instance as BeanIntrospector to an instance of
   PropertyUtilsBean suppresses the class property; it can then no
   longer be accessed.

This is an additional step that would need to be followed for any
currently shipped product that relies on commons-beanutils. Simply
picking up version 1.9.2 does not solve the problem. The product's
source code must additionally be modified by (for example) changing
or adding an addBeanIntrospector method call.

Did Ignite get any other changes related to this issue apart from
upgrading Commons-BeanUtils?  If not, Commons-BeanUtils upgrade should
not be expected to solve the problem (if Ignite actually was affected /
used Commons-BeanUtils in a vulnerable way, which isn't demonstrated in
the IGNITE-8472).

Another relevant part is:

If any other product makes a security announcement that they have
or equivalent code as a change to the default behavior, then there can
be an individual CVE ID for that product. However, if any other product
simply makes a security announcement that they have decided to ship
commons-beanutils 1.9.2 -- but the class property remains exposed in
the product as it is shipped and installed by default -- then a CVE ID
would not be assigned.

If Ignite got/gets a fix that leverages the SUPPRESS_CLASS from
Commons-BeanUtils 1.9.2 to disable processing of the class property, it
should get its own CVE assigned.

Tomas Hoger / Red Hat Product Security

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