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Re: Security risk of server side text editing in general and vim.tiny specifically

From: Fiedler Roman <Roman.Fiedler () ait ac at>
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2017 15:53:02 +0000

From: Solar Designer [mailto:solar () openwall com]
The bug may be in the documentation/specification: in my opinion,
documentation of good, security aware software should a) implement things
considering security bordercases (vim.tiny reporting, that a file was
or symlink encountered, proceed?)

Those special cases you list are just a tip of the iceberg.

or b) state, they are not made for that
purpose. Even when such statements are redundant for many different
they give users at least the chance to learn, that an operation is 
and may link to additional information, e.g. the link you provided below 
secure root file access.

Why has each plastic bag of a new consumer device printed "There is a risk
that children pull them over their head and suffocate." for safety 

My guess is mostly for legal reasons, although safety was also involved
at some point.

It's safety also for the producer, so that he cannot be sued.

But in an IT-perspective: safety and security are often conflicting, but 
sometimes - like in that case with vim, they are two sides of the same coin:

If a tool is not concurrency/thread-safe, any concurrent interaction might be 
a security risk - exactly as shown here with the arbitrary file overwrite POC.

but in software development, we assume, everybody knows and do not
such warnings at least in the footer of man pages?

I don't assume everybody knows.  On the contrary, I know that most
people don't know, nor do they want to know.  When I tell, or ask my
fellow sysadmins to follow safer practices, they just get annoyed, in
part because the safer practices are too complicated, too brittle, and
sometimes also not perfectly safe.  But do we really need to include
this in every man page?  I wish there were a better place.

I'm not sure on that: safety and security has a lot to do with awareness and 
awareness is raised, when admins are reminded frequently, e.g. when reading 
manuals. Perhaps they will not do it in all their daily work (who really 
washes his hands ALWAYS before touching food?), but the might think about it 
in the right moment (when eating in a very dirty place or preparing food for 
the whole company on an important server machine).

Editing of non-root files by root should be safe (or be made safe by
making changes to the editors where necessary) only in the rare special
case when those files are located in a trusted directory.  For example,
editing as root /var/run/foo owned by user foo should be safe as long as
/, /var, and /var/run are owned by root, but editing as root
/home/foo/foo or /tmp/foo is unsafe and is likely to stay so.

I would need to check that on vim.tiny. As stat-ing, getxattr, renaming,
chmod, ... are not atomic, I am not sure if vim.tiny as example would 
your expectations.

But before that: why do you expect the software to behave like that, when 
is not stated anywhere?

What I said in the paragraph quoted above is that I expect very little
("only in the rare special case"), and even that might not be true yet
(but we should make it true for specific tools if so).

I focus on this special case because it's tenable.

What you say about non-atomicity of those syscalls is not a security
issue when the directory and all parent directories are trusted.

They still can be: check those two syscalls (seems the vim tests the "fchown" 
call on unrelated file in same directory beforehand):

open("4913", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_NOFOLLOW, 0107777) = 3
fchown(3, 1000, 100)                    = 0

While the file edited was a 07777 (4 times seven!) user owned file, vim 
creates an intermediate world writabe root-owned suid-binary. This is not 
nice, but would be hard to exploit on modern systems: a resource depletion 
augmented race against a running root-binary from lower-priv user is hard, we 
would need to OOM-kill vim (perhaps easier to trigger than thought if the 
edited, user controlled file is very large, thus vim has very bad score 
compared to fork bomb launching thousands of ping/mount commands) - otherwise 
while file is open, I think the exec syscall would not exec the file. And of 
course we would need to write to it without dropping the SUID-bit doing so, 
requiring some other SUID binary to do that for us (see exploitDB for 

Summarizing, we got an ugly intermediate state in a trusted directory due to 
non-atomic operation where exploitation might only be limited by the 
creativity of the attacker, but for us very hard to rule out. Also put it 
mathematically: there exist file system states, that a user can create with n 
operations, but another user (root) needs m operations with always m>n to 
create the same state in a secure manner. With all the race complexity, it 
might be fun to analyse, if there exist user controlled states that cannot be 
reached in secure manner by root, no matter how large m is.

It can still be a reliability and a safety issue e.g. if two sysadmins try 
edit a file, but I thought that was beyond scope of our discussion.

Yes, this is "process failure" on human side, should be left out.

It is tricky to access files in an untrusted directory safely.  Programs
that knowingly do it end up using O_EXCL or O_NOFOLLOW|O_NOCTTY
such, and doing various *stat() calls, and even that is sometimes not
enough.  It'd be naive to expect the same from every other program
accepting an arbitrary pathname.

From my point of view, this mandates something like a "libSecureOpen"
to get that into libc as first step might be in vain), which has a solid
implementation also considering different UNIX-system peculiarities and
be used by open source software doing that kind of risky operations.

IIRC, something like this was proposed in 1990s, albeit not for that
extensive a use.

A missed chance for software development/awareness ...

You say "risky operations", but under the threat model you imply (root
using almost any tool on pathnames with components writable by a user)
almost all filesystem accesses are risky.

With "that kind of risky operations" I aimed to refer to file system 
operations on untrusted input. Still such a library could make the inherent 
service contracts more clear by selecting the appropriate method, e.g. open a 
file, do not care if it is in same directory or symlinked but make sure, that 
the user starting the link chain would also have permissions to read the final 
target, wherever it is. Or another procedure "reliable, crash-safe replacement 
of file within a directory" (exactly the vim usecase).

To partially achieve what you seem to want to achieve, almost all uses
of open(2) and fopen(3), etc. would need to be replaced with "secure"
alternatives, ...

or better with a more high-level API, using kernel features ..at() and 
O_BENEATH where available on a given platform ...

.. and that would be bad in many ways, including breaking of
customary behavior of traditional Unix command-line programs, which
existing scripts rely on.

Why would scripts break? Insecure command invocation is not caught by "secure 
alternatives" for file system operation anyway. And for program execution: as 
long as there is no adversary (no races), both worlds (secure and insecure 
file operations) would come to the same result.

 We could proceed with introduction of
isatty(3) and env var checks, but this would get messy.

isatty yes, env vars seem different topic to me.

I say "partially" because there's no way for a program to know that the
file it's looking at is still the file the user had looked at when they
decided to run the program against that pathname.  Not only the file
itself could have been replaced, but an upper directory could have been.
I included some steps to deal with this in the example referenced in my
previous message, and one of the steps is a double-check by the user
themselves after having created a hard link in a trusted directory.

Yes, so true. But as soon as tools would have the capability to even detect 
such manipulations, they could start providing simple command line options for 
users aware of the problem. Think of "vim.tiny -s [path]" where "-s" is for 
"--secure": in that mode vim.tiny would warn, if any path component up to the 
file to be edited is not owned by the user invoking vim or root. So 
"vim.tiny -s /run/xxx" and "vim.tiny -s /var/run/xxx" would be OK on Ubuntu 
(all symlinks/dirs root owned) while "vim.tiny -s 
/var/www/uploads/somedir/x.html" would fail for root if upload dir is not 
owned by root. The caring user then could still do a "cd 
/var/www/uploads/somedir", "pwd" and then decide if he wants to edit.

I suppose some alternate OS could introduce a paradigm where a user's
view of the filesystem would be frozen when they stat() a file or list a
directory and unfrozen after they've accessed a file in there.  This is
another can of worms.  I guess it's more realistically (or less
unrealistically) done for one thread in a program (with each thread
having its own filesystem view freeze) rather than for a user's shell
running multiple programs one after another.

Very nice idea, but unless the big 5 come up with it, quite unrealistic, I 

software should explicitely declare: "is not safe for operating on file of
different users/NFS in untrusted environments".

This is true for 99%+ of Unix software.  Exceptions are few (like some
uses of "ln", and even then there's the issue of parent directories).

True - but why not declare it? "ln is not safe creating links within 
directories or to files not owned by yourself or the root user". To stay with 
the example of the plastic bags: as long as no one declared it, nobody seemed 
to care about avoiding it or replacing it with less risky alternatives. 
Changes start in mind first, not in RAM or disk bits.

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