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Re: CVE-2017-8805: Unsafe symlinks not filtered in Debian mirror script ftpsync

From: Robert Watson <robertcwatson1 () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 23:08:14 +0000

Thank You for taking the time to explain the scripting issue.

Okay, so a script adds a symlink to /etc/shadow or something else
confidential. Unless they're root, what good does it do them? They can't
read it.

On Fri, Oct 20, 2017, 14:35 Ben Tasker <ben () bentasker co uk> wrote:

On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 9:32 PM, Robert Watson <robertcwatson1 () gmail com>

Scripts depend on the underlying functionality of the various utilities
like rsync that they call. I'm having trouble understanding how a script
could ever be deserving of a CVE. Maybe I'm wrong. I wish to be educated.

Whether you think it applies to the current example is obviously a
different debate, but the simple principle is that the script is (arguably)
using the underlying tool unsafely. The tool (rsync in this case) provides
an argument to prevent the "risky" behaviour, but the calling script isn't
using it, potentially opening a vector for misuse.

So if there should be a CVE, it shouldn't be against rsync (as it provides
the means to avoid, and in other cases you may even find the calling script
is overriding the "safe" behaviour) but against the calling script.

To give a fairly limited example, both of these scripts rely on the same
functionality, but one is riskier (albeit not from a security perspective)
- in neither case is the tool at risk

rm -rf "/$1"


rm -rf --no-preserve-root "/$1"

Obviously it's quite easy for there to be more severe connotations to other
scripts (for example, think about some of the things you might pass
adduser) which may well be worthy of a CVE by nature of them effectively
misusing a tool.

Back on topic, I can see potential for abuse, though I'm also not convinced
whether it's CVE worthy.

We are overwhelmed with more vulnerabilities than can be fixed quickly

Are "just to be safer" type things really a wise use of our resources?

The problem there is setting the threshold. It's not unheard of for a "just
in case" fix to later have proved to have mitigated a more severe (and at
the time, unknown) issue. But gain, whether it needs a CVE is something

Does a proliferation of a large number of low-caliber problems make
monitoring these lists more trouble than it's worth? Does it cause
high-impact problems to be lost amongst low-impact ones?

On Thu, Oct 19, 2017, 15:46 Seth Arnold <seth.arnold () canonical com>

On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 04:55:07PM -0400, Robert Watson wrote:
Removing the ability for rsync to copy symlinks pointing to targets
the mirror tree would greatly cripple it. I need to understand how
danger is worth the loss of this functionality.

Note that the fix isn't modifying rsync, the fix is modifying the
script that calls rsync:

+    RSYNC_OPTIONS=${RSYNC_OPTIONS:-"-prltvHSB8192 --safe-links
3600 --stats --no-human-readable"}


Of course for people who run this mirroring tool as a specific user
account and set file permissions appropriately this is more or less a
no-op. But this is a useful hardening for people who run the ftpsync
command as a user with too many privileges. (I wouldn't have bothered
filing for a CVE for this change; I see it as a simple hardening

This option shouldn't cripple ftpsync as a well-run repository is
unlikely to have symlinks pointing out of the tree. A repository with
symlinks pointing out of the tree is already not a suitable rsync



Robert "DocSalvager" Watson
... trust in truth keeps hope alive

Ben Tasker


Robert "DocSalvager" Watson
... trust in truth keeps hope alive

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