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CVE ID Request: FOG Project Multiple Vulnerabilities

From: Sysdream Labs <labs () sysdream com>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 11:12:32 +0200

# FOG Project Multiple Vulnerabilities

## Description

FOG is a free, open source, computer cloning and management solution.

## SQL Injection

The database functions located in the *FOGManagerController.class.php* file do not sanitize some parameters, which can 
input from unauthenticated users.
Thus, an attacker without any privilege could execute arbitrary SQL commands and retrieve sensitive information from 
the database.

**Access Vector**: remote

**Security Risk**: high

**Vulnerability**: CWE-89

**CVSS Base Score**: 9.3 (Critical)

### Proof of Concept



Base64 Encoded :


### Vulnerable code

The vulnerable code is located in *packages/web/lib/fog/FOGManagerController.class.php*, line 96, function *find()*:

if (is_array($value))
      $whereArray[] = sprintf("`%s` IN ('%s')", $this->DB->sanitize($this->key($field)), implode("', '", $value));
      $whereArray[] = sprintf("`%s` %s '%s'", $this->DB->sanitize($this->key($field)), (preg_match('#%#', $value) ? 
'LIKE' : '='), $value);

Note: *sanitize()* is applied on the database table field (not on the user-controlled value) and it does not filter 
back-quotes. As a consequence, this function is useless.

Line 143, function *count()*:

if (is_array($value))
        $whereArray[] = sprintf("`%s` IN ('%s')", $this->DB->sanitize($this->key($field)), implode("', '", $value));
        $whereArray[] = sprintf("`%s` %s '%s'", $this->DB->sanitize($this->key($field)), (preg_match('#%#', $value) ? 
'LIKE' : '='), $value);

The vulnerable functions can be called in multiple files, without any authentication.

File: *packages/web/service/updates.php*, line 14:

foreach($FOGCore->getClass('ClientUpdaterManager')->find(array('name' => base64_decode($_REQUEST['file']))) AS 

File *packages/web/service/servicemodule-active.php*, line 14:

$moduleID = current($FOGCore->getClass('ModuleManager')->find(array('shortName' => $_REQUEST['moduleid'])));

### Solution

Sanitize every user-supplied input when passing it to SQL Queries.

## Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution

The *freespace.php* file does not correctly sanitize user-supplied *idnew* parameters. An unauthenticated attacker may 
use this file to execute system commands.

**Access Vector**: remote

**Security Risk**: high

**Vulnerability**: CWE-88

**CVSS Base Score**: 10 (Critical)

### Proof of Concept


### Vulnerable code

The vulnerable code is located in *packages/web/status/freespace.php*, line 34:

$StorageNode = ($_REQUEST['idnew'] ? new StorageNode($_REQUEST['idnew']) : null);
$t = shell_exec("df ".$StorageNode->get('path')."| grep -vE \"^Filesystem|shm\"");

### Solution

Sanitize and verify every user-supplied input when passing it to shell_exec. Also, make sure only authenticated users 
can access this file.

### Affected versions

* FOG Stable <= 1.2

## Solution

Switch to beta/development builds.

## Timeline (dd/mm/yyyy)

* 05/04/2016 : Initial discovery
* 06/07/2016 : Contact with vendor team with vulnerability description
* 18/07/2016 : Remind vendor to get a reply
* 19/07/2016 : Vendor acknowledges the report, saying that issues had been fixed a while ago in beta/development builds 
and that using 1.2.0 stable version is now discouraged.

## Credits

* Nicolas CHATELAIN, Sysdream (n.chatelain -at- sysdream -dot- com)
* Gyver FERRAND, Sysdream (g.ferrand -at- sysdream -dot- com)

SYSDREAM Labs <labs () sysdream com>

47D1 E124 C43E F992 2A2E
1551 8EB4 8CD9 D5B2 59A1

* Website: https://sysdream.com/
* Twitter: @sysdream

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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