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Re: CVE request - Snoopy incomplete fix for CVE-2008-4796

From: Garth Mollett <gmollett () redhat com>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:02:04 +1000

Sorry, I should have been more clear in my request.

This is the original fix for CVE-2008-4796:

Note using escapeshellcmd instead of escapeshellarg and still allows
injection of params to to curl.

This was then updated to this:

Looking at the changes starting around line 927 (in 1.28)
escapeshellcmd($URI) is replaced with escapeshellarg($URI) however the
code handling $cmdline_params is changed to this:

$safer_header = strtr($headers[$curr_header], "\"", " ");
$cmdline_params .= " -H \"" . $safer_header . "\"";
$cmdline_params .= " -d \"$body\"";
exec($this->curl_path . " -k -D \"$headerfile\"" . $cmdline_params . " "
. escapeshellarg($URI), $results, $return);

Which by my reading still allows command injection.

Then, starting from revision 1.29 through 1.33 this code is all removed
and replaced with native php instead of calling curl.

I am not at all involved with this project nor do I have any kind of
extra insight on this. Sorry if my original email was misleading or

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do in order clarify
if a CVE assignment is needed for this or not.

On 07/16/2014 03:57 PM, cve-assign () mitre org wrote:
The information that has been sent so far doesn't determine whether
there should be one CVE ID or two CVE IDs. A statement of "does still
allow command injection" would potentially mean two CVE IDs, whereas
"may still allow command injection" could end up as "does not still
allow command injection."

The original CVE request was on July 9, and implied that watching
was of interest because a second security fix might be announced there
"shortly." However, that view=log page was last updated on July 8. We
will continue to check that view=log page from time to time.

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