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Re: Re: Question regarding CVE applicability of missing HttpOnly flag

From: Murray McAllister <mmcallis () redhat com>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 17:30:46 +1000

On 06/26/2014 04:31 PM, Kurt Seifried wrote:
Hash: SHA1

My thought on this: security lines move, e.g. with crypto certain
algorithms are no longer sufficient (e.g. DES), they are essentially
the same as no crypto when put up against modern hardware.

So with web cookies they are often used as authentication tokens (the
alternative is in URL which has it's own list of problems, or form
values/etc.), I would hazard to say the vast majority of all web based
authentication uses cookies (I've never run into widely used
certificate based or other options). Also web sites have changed, no
longer static sites or "simple" CGI based sites, you pretty much
always use a framework, sometimes hosting your framework within a
lower level framework. Or you write custom code, whatever. The point
is this stuff has XSS flaws all over the place, it's more the rule
then the exception.

So with widespread XSS in mind, I think it's safe to say that
virtually every web site (even sites that care deeply and spend
time/money and have bug bounties) have lurking XSS flaws, which if
HTTPOnly is not used can result in cookie theft. So in my mind
HTTPOnly isn't an option any more, but a requirement, ergo in most
situations no HTTPOnly = win a CVE.



It depends what the cookie is used for. It would be an issue if not used on the session cookie and you could steal that.

But websites set lots of cookies, which if stolen, have no relevance to being able to access the user's session, or do much of anything useful with anyway. I believe a lot of the "this cookie does not have HTTPOnly" issues are non-issues.


Murray McAllister / Red Hat Product Security

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