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Re: CVE Request: powerdns does not clear supplementary groups

From: Kurt Seifried <kseifried () redhat com>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 13:58:09 -0600

Hash: SHA1

On 05/24/2012 01:10 PM, Miloslav Trmac wrote:
----- Original Message -----
So what happens when a program starts running as say root, and
root has supplemental groups (like "bin" or "daemon" and the
program drops its primary user/group but fails to drop
supplementary groups, is that a security issue, and is it worthy
of a CVE identifier?

For most cases I'm going to say probably not (aka no). Having 
supplementary groups is intentional and allows permissions to be
more fine grained, you can for example make root a member of
"logging" so that even when the app drops root privileges would
still have the supplementary group of "logging" and can do its
logging or whatever.

Yes, the existence of supplementary groups is intentional - but
that doesn't mean that inheriting supplementary groups is

From the administrator's point of view, the privileges are
effectively assigned to "the user" as an "atomic" identity - they
are configured in /etc/passwd and /etc/group _and associated with
an UID_.  In "ordinary" case, programs running with a specific UID
are expected to always use the same primary GID, and same primary
groups.  Yes, the implementation does not match the administrator's
point of view, the UID, GID and supplementary groups are sparete,
and , e.g. setuid/setgid may cause a different configuration from
the "primary" case, or switching privileges temporarily creates
non-ordinary situations.  Still, I think that keeping the
administrator's point of view in mind is important.

In the above example, if there really is a "logging" group, and an
application is configured to drop privileges and switch to uid
$APP_UID, the administrator would expect that whether the app
should or should not have the "logging" group membership is
configured in /etc/groups for $APP_UID, not for root.  So, I can't
see that as an argument for intentionally not dropping
supplementary groups. Mirek

Ok I'll admit it, bad example, but I couldn't think of anything better
offhand. Any ways like I said if someone can make a compelling
argument that these should all be security issues that's great, if not
I'll continue to default this to a security hardening issue unless
someone brings up specific instances that need to be dealt with as a
security fix.

- -- 
Kurt Seifried Red Hat Security Response Team (SRT)
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