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Powershell doesn't process comma separated ports correctly

From: "Marcus Grassinger" <marcus () grassinger org>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2019 16:33:44 +0200

Hi all,
I just installed the latest nmap for Windows. On an administrative
powershell, I did a scan of an IP with “-p 80,443” as a parameter. This
works fine in the Windows cmd shell.
So I was pretty puzzled to see, that it tries to resolve 443 instead of
using it as second port to scan. (==> Failed to resolve "443".)
The OS is Windows 8.1 Prof (German). I could reproduce this on another Win
8.1 Prof. host.

The output is:

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

PS C:\Windows\system32> nmap -p 80,443
Starting Nmap 7.70 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-07-30 16:23
Mitteleuropõische Sommerzeit
Failed to resolve "443".
Nmap scan report for fritz.box (
Host is up (0.00013s latency).

80/tcp open  http
MAC Address: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff (AVM GmbH)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.67 seconds

I searched the list for any hints, whether this had been reported yet, and
couldn't find any, so I thougt, I'd report it.


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