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Re: [NSE] Locals, Globals, and You (ALL script writers please read)

From: Ron <ron () skullsecurity net>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 22:32:40 -0500

For what it's worth, and I realize it isn't necessary (and maybe technically wrong in Lua), I like declaring variables 
at the top as a matter of style. Even in languages where I don't have to, declaring variables at the top feels cleaner 
and gives me a better idea of what's going on in the function than declaring them willy nilly where I use them. 

I realize I do a mixture of both when I'm writing Lua, and that's bad -- but it's purely because of a) laziness, and b) 
my functions get too long (which is a problem in an of itself). 

One thing I run into is situations where I use the same variable (like status) multiple times, but use a different 
variable alongside. For example:
status, variable1 = function1()
status, variable2 = function2()
status, variable3 = function3()

There doesn't seem to be a clean way to do that, unless it's okay to re-declare status as local:
local status, variable1 = function1()
local status, variable2 = function2()

That's when I start declaring stuff at the top of the function. It gets even worse when I need to use the return value 
of 'status' in a call to the next function, because then you're re-declaring it and using it on the same line and 
that's all kinds of not good. 

I know you have a script that'll find accidental global accesses. And that's good, because I've spent a lot of time 
tracking down nasty bugs that are caused by exactly that (accidental globals). But is there any way to make it easier 
to run your script? Like, even if it can't be automated (nmap --script-check-globals?), at least including it in Nmap 
or something? I wish Lua wouldn't even let you declare a global within a function. I like Ruby's style better, of using 
@@blah for a global, to totally differentiate it. 

On a related note, I'm pretty sure there's currently no "style guide" for writing scripts, and I'm sure that if you 
took the 5 people who write the most scripts, none of them would agree on proper styles (even things like whitespace, 
comments, variable declarations, etc). But maybe we should start looking into building a style guide. 


On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 21:53:26 -0400 Patrick Donnelly
<batrick () batbytes com> wrote:
I'll keep this as brief as possible because I know few of you care
about the idosyncracies of Lua and would prefer writing awesome NSE

A recent disturbing trend I've been seeing in libraries and scripts is
people declaring locals at the top of their functions (seemingly,
because they're used to that in C). There are other problems I've seen
as well, such as trying to reuse locals thinking it saves them space.
I hope to convince everyone to stop doing this and help you adopt
better Lua practices.

Quick example of what I'm talking about to illustrate my point (from
smb.lua, please don't hate me Ron!):

function get_socket_info(host)
    local status, lhost, lport, rhost, rport
    local smbstate, socket

    -- Start SMB (we need a socket to get the proper local ip
    status, smbstate = smb.start_ex(host)
    if(status == false) then
        return false, smbstate

    socket = smbstate['socket']
    status, lhost, lport, rhost, rport = socket:get_info()
        if(status == false) then
        return false, lhost

    -- Stop SMB

    -- Get the mac in hex format, if possible
    local lmac = nil
    if(host.mac_addr_src) then
        lmac = stdnse.tohex(host.mac_addr_src, {separator = ":"})

    return true, lhost, lport, rhost, rport, lmac

As you can see, most of the locals were declared upfront instead of
where the assignments appear.

== Local and Global ==

A *little* bit of highly condensed information on globals and locals.
Lua has local variables that exist on the stack. These variables
persist only in the scope they were declared. Local variables are
initialized to nil unless another value is set. Local variables are
faster than global variable access (think stack access versus heap).
You can read more about local variables from the Roberto
Ierusalimschy's (Lua architect) Programming in Lua [2]. It's a *short*
section I recommend reading through. (For even more relevant sections,
see [3] and [4].)

Global variables are the default in assignments or accesses. If you do
not declare a variable of the given name as local, then Lua will check
for a global instead. Globals are shared by *all* scripts and
libraries (with some exceptions). This means they can be overwritten
unintentionally by other unrelated libraries or scripts. A user should
avoid using globals in favor of locals.


Ok, on to an example of some problems most everyone is having with
locals (from nselib/http.lua):

local request_line, header, body
request_line = string.format("%s %s HTTP/1.1", method, path)
header = {}
local name, value
for name, value in pairs(mod_options.header) do
  header[#header + 1] = string.format("%s: %s", name, value)
body = mod_options.content and mod_options.content or ""

do this instead:

local request_line = string.format("%s %s HTTP/1.1", method, path)
local header = {}
for name, value in pairs(mod_options.header) do
  header[#header + 1] = string.format("%s: %s", name, value)
local body = mod_options.content and mod_options.content or ""

There are a couple reasons why:

(1) Perhaps *most importantly* it helps prevent accidental global
accesses (see [1] for more information on this). I believe most of the
accidents where a library writer uses a global instead of a local is
because they forgot to add the local at the beginning of their
function. (Hey it's common in C too right! How often do you get an
undeclared variable *compiler* error?) Lua won't complain if you use
an undeclared variable; it will just use a global instead! So an error
like this:

local socket, _, foo, bar, etc;
-- ... code
socket, error = nmap.socket();

is quite common! Note that 'error' is not declared a local! Instead
Lua will assign to the *global* variable 'error'.

(2) Proper scoping, you want your variable's lifetime to be as short
as possible. This assists in garbage collection and readability.

(3) There is *no* benefit to declaring a variable you plan to reuse in
multiple blocks up front. That is, if you plan to use a socket
variable in a bunch of loops, re-declare the socket variable in each
block as needed. There is *zero* extra cost if you do this. Lua is
smart enough to reuse stack space.

(4) Well, you'll save time coding of course! You don't have to go back
to the top of your function to add 'x' new local.

EXCEPTION: Don't redeclare a variable local when one already exists in
the same block, e.g.:

    status, err      = smb.negotiate_protocol(smbstate, overrides)
    if(status == false) then
        stdnse.print_debug("SMB; is_admin: Failed to negotiatie
protocol: %s [%s]", err, username)
        return false
    status, err      = smb.start_session(smbstate, overrides)
    if(status == false) then
        stdnse.print_debug("SMB; is_admin: Failed to start session %s
[%s]", err, username)
        return false

This snippet of code appeared in smb.lua. The same "status, err     =
...." statement appears dozens of times in the function. You should
only declare the first "status, err" local.

== For Loops ==

Also, please note that a generic for loop automatically creates local
variables for you:

for i, v in ipairs(t) do ... end

The variables 'i' and 'v' are automaticatically generated and local to
the scope of "do ... end" block. They are not visible outside the
scope of the for loop. You do *NOT* need to do this:

local i,v
for i, v in ipairs(t) do ... end

^ DO NOT DO (as in the first example) ^

If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them. Sorry the email
wasn't very neat. I'm brain dumping most of this quickly for lack of

[1] http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2009/q3/70
[2] http://www.lua.org/pil/4.2.html
[3] http://www.lua.org/pil/4.1.html
[4] http://www.lua.org/pil/6.1.html

- Patrick Donnelly
Sent through the nmap-dev mailing list
Archived at http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/

Ron Bowes

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