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Re: Forward DNS names in output

From: David Fifield <david () bamsoftware com>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 07:43:02 -0600

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 03:55:35PM -0700, Fyodor wrote:
Right.  The rDNS name can be useful in that it can expose ISPs, web
hosting providers, and more.  For example, if you scan
www.openbsd.org, Nmap forward resolves it to and then
reverse-resolves that to openbsd.sunsite.ualberta.ca.  The latter
tells you that the site is hosted by a Sunsite server at the
University of Alberta in Canada.  This is useful information.

On the other hand, it can be confusing when you specify multiple
hostsnames on the command-line and you just get IP numbers back (or
rDNS names without an immediate relation to the hostname) and have
trouble figuring out which target is which.

I have a personal TODO item to use the forward name in Zenmap, but I
found that it is not even in the XML output.

<host><status state="up" reason="conn-refused"/>
<address addr="" addrtype="ipv4" />
<hostnames><hostname name="rr.pmtpa.wikimedia.org" type="PTR" /></hostnames>

Yeah, adding the forward name here sounds reasonable.

I've added this with a type attribute of "user".

<hostname name="en.wikipedia.org" type="user"/>
<hostname name="rr.pmtpa.wikimedia.org" type="PTR"/>

# nmap -v www.google.com
Starting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2009-08-28 15:16 PDT
NSE: Loaded 0 scripts for scanning.
Warning: Hostname www.google.com resolves to 6 IPs. Using
Initiating Ping Scan at 15:16
Scanning [4 ports]
Completed Ping Scan at 15:16, 0.03s elapsed (1 total hosts)
Host pz-in-f103.google.com ( is up (0.094s latency).
Interesting ports on pz-in-f103.google.com (
Not shown: 997 filtered ports
80/tcp  open   http
113/tcp closed auth
443/tcp open   https

Maybe that second section could be changed to:

Nmap scan report for www.google.com (
^^^ This is a new line, which I think is better than only listing the
    host/IP for "Interesting ports" table.  After all, we give a whole
    report now, often including NSE, traceroute, OS detection,
    etc. all below the interesting ports table.
Host is up, received echo-reply (0.094s latency).
^^^ This line still only appears in verbose mode.  I removed the
    name/IP since it is on the previous line.  I added the --reason
    information, as we now should have space to print it in all cases.
    In fact, maybe we should print this line in all cases?  I thinkd
    I'd favor that approach.
Hostname www.google.com resolves to 6 IPs. Only scanned
^^^ I'm suggesting moving this here to the target section so it is
    more closely associated with the particular target.  This means
    delaying the information a bit though, so we might still want to keep
    the earlier warning in -v mode (or maybe require -vv).
rDNS record for pz-in-f103.google.com
^^^ This line is only printed if we get an rDNS record and it does not
    match the target name.
Not shown: 997 filtered ports
80/tcp  open   http
113/tcp closed auth
443/tcp open   https
^^^ These 5 lines are the same as before, though I removed the line
    "Interesting ports on ..." because we now already know the target
    name/IP, and the "PORT STATE SERVICE" line introduced the port table
    just as well IMHO.

I think I've got this implemented. Here are some examples.

# nmap www.google.com
Nmap scan report for www.google.com (
Hostname www.google.com resolves to 6 IPs. Only scanned
rDNS record for pw-in-f105.1e100.net
Not shown: 997 filtered ports
80/tcp  open   http
113/tcp closed auth
443/tcp open   https

# nmap -sP -PN --traceroute google.com
Nmap scan report for google.com (
Host is up.
Hostname google.com resolves to 3 IPs. Only scanned
rDNS record for pw-in-f100.1e100.net

TRACEROUTE (using proto 1/icmp)
1   3.93 ms

# nmap -sL google.com/30
Nmap scan report for google.com (
Host not scanned
Hostname google.com resolves to 3 IPs. Only scanned
rDNS record for pw-in-f100.1e100.net
Nmap scan report for pw-in-f101.1e100.net (
Host not scanned
Nmap scan report for pw-in-f102.1e100.net (
Host not scanned
Nmap scan report for pw-in-f103.1e100.net (
Host not scanned

Notice in the last example how each host gets an "Nmap scan report"
line. It comes before all the other lines with information on a host,
which may include a host status, reverse DNS name, count of IP
addresses, and MAC address. However, because most hosts have only a host
status line, adding the "Nmap scan report" is about twice as verbose.
Would it be better to remove the "Nmap scan report" line and embed the
name and address in the "Host is up" line in the case of a list scan or
a ping-only scan?

David Fifield
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