Nmap Development mailing list archives

[PATCH] NSE "Comm" library + 18 shortened scripts

From: Kris Katterjohn <katterjohn () gmail com>
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 21:47:12 -0500

Hash: SHA1

Hey everyone,

I've attached a new NSE "Comm" library.  Standing for something like
"COMMon COMMunications," this NSElib adds two functions: get_banner()
and exchange().

Obviously the specialized http library and any other protocol-specific
libraries created will be more useful in some circumstances, but as
you'll see below, this library consolidates code in a lot of separate
scripts into these functions.  Maybe any other libraries could use this
one as a back-end.

The top comment in comm.lua goes into some more detail about the usage,
but here's the gist:

comm.get_banner(host, port, [opts])
comm.exchange(host, port, data, [opts])

get_banner() does just what it sounds like it does: connects to the
host, reads whatever it gives us, and then returns it.

connect -> read -> close -> return

exchange() connects to the host, sends the requested data, reads
whatever it gives us, and then returns it.

connect -> send -> read -> close -> return

The functions are designed to be used with exception handling via

An optional table can be passed to these functions, allowing for
additional options.  The table can have the following keys:

bytes - The minimum amount of bytes to receive
lines - The minimum amount of lines to receive
proto - Protocol to connect() with; defaults to "tcp"
timeout - Socket timeout

A whole lot of scripts did the same basic thing: open a socket, possibly
set a timeout, possibly send some data, and then (possibly looping to)
read all of the data.  Now all of that can be done with a single
function call.

I've attached a patch updating 18 scripts to use this library.  This
stripped some of them down to almost nothing.

I haven't been able to test all of the scripts, so I need somebody else
to verify that they work correctly.  Here's a list so far:

- ------

- --------

Of course if you could also test the ones I've already done, that'd be
great.  Even just giving a quick look-over the library or patch for any
possible mistakes would be helpful as well.


o Is the interface good?  I think "get_banner" and "exchange" are simple
and concise, but any suggestions for better names are welcome.

o Are there any other options that should be added to the table?

Kris Katterjohn

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

-- Kris Katterjohn 04/2008

module(..., package.seeall)

-- The Functions:
--   get_banner(host, port, [opts])
--   exchange(host, port, data, [opts])
-- get_banner() does just what it sounds like it does: connects to the
-- host, reads whatever it gives us, and then returns it.
-- exchange() connects to the host, sends the requested data, reads
-- whatever it gives us, and then returns it.
-- Both of these functions return multiple values so that they can be
-- used with exception handling via nmap.new_try().  The second value
-- they return is either the response from the host, or the error message
-- from one of the previous calls (connect, send, receive*).
-- These functions can be passed a table of options with the following keys:
--   bytes: Specifies the minimum amount of bytes to be read from the host
--   lines: Specifies the minimum amount of lines to be read from the host
--   proto: Specifies the protocol to use.  Defaults to "tcp"
--   timeout: Sets the socket's timeout with nmap.set_timeout()
-- If neither lines nor bytes are specified, the calls read as many lines
-- as possible.  If only bytes if specified, then it only tries to read that
-- many bytes.  Likewise, it only lines if specified, then it only tries to
-- read that many lines.  If they're both specified, the lines value is used.

-- Makes sure that opts exists and the default proto is there
local initopts = function(opts)
        if not opts then
                opts = {}

        if not opts.proto then
                opts.proto = "tcp"

        return opts

-- Sets up the socket and connects to host:port
local setup_connect = function(host, port, opts)
        if type(host) ~= "table" then
                host = {ip = host}

        local target = host.targetname or host.ip or host.name

        if type(port) ~= "table" then
                port = {number = port}

        local sock = nmap.new_socket()

        if opts.timeout then

        local status, err = sock:connect(target, port.number, opts.proto)

        if not status then
                return status, err

        return true, sock

local read = function(sock, opts)
        if opts.lines then
                return sock:receive_lines(opts.lines)
        elseif opts.bytes then
                return sock:receive_bytes(opts.bytes)

        local response = ""

        while true do
                local status, line = sock:receive_lines(1)

                if not status then

                response = response .. line

        return true, response

get_banner = function(host, port, opts)
        opts = initopts(opts)

        local status, sock = setup_connect(host, port, opts)
        local ret

        if not status then
                -- sock is an error message in this case
                return status, sock

        status, ret = read(sock, opts)


        return status, ret

exchange = function(host, port, data, opts)
        opts = initopts(opts)

        local status, sock = setup_connect(host, port, opts)
        local ret

        if not status then
                -- sock is an error message in this case
                return status, sock

        status, ret = sock:send(data)

        if not status then
                return status, ret

        status, ret = read(sock, opts)


        return status, ret

Index: scripts/daytimeTest.nse
--- scripts/daytimeTest.nse     (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/daytimeTest.nse     (working copy)
@@ -8,16 +8,13 @@
 categories = {"demo"}
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 portrule = shortport.port_or_service(13, "daytime", "udp")
 action = function(host, port)
-       local socket = nmap.new_socket()
-       socket:connect(host.ip, port.number, "udp")
-       socket:send("dummy")
-       local status, result = socket:receive_lines(1);
-       socket:close()
+       local status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, "dummy", {lines=1, proto="udp"})
        if (result ~= nil) then
                return "Daytime: " .. result
Index: scripts/HTTPtrace.nse
--- scripts/HTTPtrace.nse       (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/HTTPtrace.nse       (working copy)
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 categories = {"discovery"}
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 require "stdnse"
@@ -76,31 +77,14 @@
 portrule = shortport.port_or_service({80, 8080}, "http")
 action = function(host, port)
-       local cmd, response
-       local socket
+       local cmd = "TRACE / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
-       socket = nmap.new_socket()
+       local status, response = comm.exchange(host, port, cmd, {timeout=5000})
-       socket:connect(host.ip, port.number)
-       cmd = "TRACE / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
-       socket:send(cmd)
-       response = ""
-       while true do
-               local status, lines = socket:receive_lines(1)
-               if not status then
-                       break
-               end
-               response = response .. lines
+       if not status then
+               return
-       socket:close()
        return validate(response, cmd)
Index: scripts/dns-test-open-recursion.nse
--- scripts/dns-test-open-recursion.nse (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/dns-test-open-recursion.nse (working copy)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 categories = {"intrusive"}
 require "bit"
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 portrule = shortport.portnumber(53, "udp")
@@ -18,12 +19,11 @@
     -- generate dns query, Transaction-ID 0xdead, isc.sans.org (type A, class IN)
        local request = string.char(0xde, 0xad, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03) ..  
"isc" .. string.char(0x04) .. "sans" .. string.char(0x03) ..  "org" .. string.char(0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01)
-       local socket = nmap.new_socket()
-       socket:connect(host.ip, port.number, "udp")
-       socket:send(request)
+       local status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, request, {proto="udp"})
-       local status, result = socket:receive();
-       socket:close()
+       if not status or result == "" then
+               return
+       end
     -- parse response for dns flags
     if (bit.band(string.byte(result,3), 0x80) == 0x80
Index: scripts/chargenTest.nse
--- scripts/chargenTest.nse     (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/chargenTest.nse     (working copy)
@@ -8,18 +8,15 @@
 categories = {"demo"}
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 portrule = shortport.port_or_service(19, "chargen", "udp")
 action = function(host, port)
-       local socket = nmap.new_socket()
-       socket:connect(host.ip, port.number, "udp")
-       socket:send("dummy")
-       local status, result = socket:receive_lines(1);
-       socket:close()
+       local status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, "dummy", {lines=1, proto="udp"})
-       if (result ~= nil) then
+       if (result ~= "") then
                return "Chargen: success"
                return "Chargen: something went wrong"
Index: scripts/echoTest.nse
--- scripts/echoTest.nse        (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/echoTest.nse        (working copy)
@@ -9,18 +9,16 @@
 categories = {"demo"}
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 portrule = shortport.port_or_service(7, "echo", "udp")
 action = function(host, port)
        local echostr = "hello there"
-       local socket = nmap.new_socket()
-       socket:connect(host.ip, port.number, "udp")
-       socket:send(echostr)
-       local status, result = socket:receive_lines(1);
-       socket:close()
+       local status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, echostr, {lines=1, proto="udp"})
        if (result == echostr) then
                return "UDP Echo: correct response"
Index: scripts/kibuvDetection.nse
--- scripts/kibuvDetection.nse  (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/kibuvDetection.nse  (working copy)
@@ -16,16 +16,14 @@
 categories = {"malware"}
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 portrule = shortport.port_or_service({7955, 14920, 42260}, "ftp")
 action = function(host, port)
-       local socket = nmap.new_socket()
+       local status, s = comm.get_banner(host, port, {lines=1})
-       socket:connect(host.ip, port.number)
-       local status, s = socket:receive_lines(1)
        if      string.match(s, "220 StnyFtpd 0wns j0")
                string.match(s, "220 fuckFtpd 0wns j0")
Index: scripts/MySQLinfo.nse
--- scripts/MySQLinfo.nse       (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/MySQLinfo.nse       (working copy)
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 categories = { "discovery", "safe" }
 require 'bit'
+require 'comm'
 -- Grabs NUL-terminated string
 local getstring = function(orig)
@@ -114,28 +115,14 @@
 action = function(host, port)
-       local sock
-       local response = ""
        local output = ""
-       sock = nmap.new_socket()
+       local status, response = comm.get_banner(host, ip, {timeout=5000})
-       sock:set_timeout(5000)
-       sock:connect(host.ip, port.number)
-       while true do
-               local status, line = sock:receive_lines(1)
-               if not status then
-                       break
-               end
-               response = response .. line
+       if not status then
+               return
-       sock:close()
        local length = ntoh3(response:sub(1, 3))
        if length ~= response:len() - 4 then
Index: scripts/skype_v2-version.nse
--- scripts/skype_v2-version.nse        (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/skype_v2-version.nse        (working copy)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 author = "Brandon Enright <bmenrigh () ucsd edu>" 
 license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html";
 categories = {"version"}
+require "comm"
 portrule = function(host, port)
        if      (port.number == 80 or
@@ -22,42 +23,25 @@
 action = function(host, port)
+       local status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", {bytes=26, proto=port.protocol})
-       local socket = nmap.new_socket()
-       local result;
-       local status = true
-       socket:connect(host.ip, port.number, port.protocol)
-               socket:send("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
-       status, result = socket:receive_bytes(26);
        if (not status) then
-               socket:close()
        if (result ~= "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n") then
-               socket:close()
-       socket:close();
        -- So far so good, now see if we get random data for another request
-       socket:connect(host.ip, port.number, port.protocol)
-               socket:send("random data\r\n\r\n")
+       status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, "random data\r\n\r\n", {bytes=15, proto=port.protocol})
-       status, result = socket:receive_bytes(15);
        if (not status) then
-               socket:close()
        if string.match(result, "[^%s!-~].*[^%s!-~].*[^%s!-~].*[^%s!-~]") then
-               socket:close()
                port.version.name = "skype2"
                port.version.confidence = 10
                port.version.fingerprint = nil
@@ -66,7 +50,5 @@
                -- return "Skype v2 server detected"
-       socket:close();
Index: scripts/showSMTPVersion.nse
--- scripts/showSMTPVersion.nse (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/showSMTPVersion.nse (working copy)
@@ -8,20 +8,14 @@
 categories = {"demo"}
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 portrule = shortport.port_or_service(25, "smtp")
 action = function(host, port)
-       local client = nmap.new_socket()
+       local status, result = comm.get_banner(host, port, {lines=1})
-       client:connect(host.ip, port.number)
-       local status, result = client:receive_lines(1);
-       client:close()  
        if result ~= nil then
                result = string.gsub(result, "\n", "")
Index: scripts/nbstat.nse
--- scripts/nbstat.nse  (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/nbstat.nse  (working copy)
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 categories = {"discovery", "safe"}
+require "comm"
 -- I have excluded the port function param because it doesn't make much sense
 -- for a hostrule.  It works without warning.  The NSE documentation is
 -- not explicit enough in this regard.  
@@ -49,46 +51,22 @@
 -- Again, I have excluded the port param.  Is this okay on a hostrule?
 action = function(host)
-       local socket = nmap.new_socket()
-       socket:set_timeout(5000)
-       local result
-       local status = true
-       status, result = socket:connect(host.ip, 137, "udp")
-       if (not status) then
-               -- Can a UDP connect ever fail?
-               return
-       end
        -- This is the UDP NetBIOS request packet.  I didn't feel like
        -- actually generating a new one each time so this has been shamelessly
        -- copied from a packet dump of nbtscan.
        -- See http://www.unixwiz.net/tools/nbtscan.html for code.
        -- The magic number in this code is \003\097.
-       status, result = socket:send(
+       local data =
                "\003\097\000\016\000\001\000\000" ..
                "\000\000\000\000\032\067\075\065" ..
                "\065\065\065\065\065\065\065\065" ..
                "\065\065\065\065\065\065\065\065" ..
                "\065\065\065\065\065\065\065\065" ..
                "\065\065\065\065\065\000\000\033" ..
-               "\000\001")
+               "\000\001"
-       if (not status) then
-               -- Can the first UDP send ever fail?
-               return
-       end
+       local status, result = comm.exchange(host, 137, data, {bytes=1, proto="udp", timeout=5000})
-       -- this receive_bytes will consume all the input available
-       -- with a minimum of 1 byte.
-       status, result = socket:receive_bytes(1);
-       -- We don't need this socket anymore
-       socket:close()
        if (not status) then
Index: scripts/iax2Detect.nse
--- scripts/iax2Detect.nse      (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/iax2Detect.nse      (working copy)
@@ -9,43 +9,36 @@
 categories = {"version"}
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 portrule = shortport.portnumber(4569, "udp")
 action = function(host, port)
-       local soc = nmap.new_socket()
-       soc:set_timeout(10000)
-       local conn = soc:connect(host.ip, port.number, port.protocol)
+       -- see http://www.cornfed.com/iax.pdf for all options.
+       local poke = string.char(0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
+       poke = poke .. string.char(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)  
+       poke = poke .. string.char(0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x1e)
-       if (conn) then
-               -- see http://www.cornfed.com/iax.pdf for all options.
-               local poke = string.char(0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
-               poke = poke .. string.char(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)  
-               poke = poke .. string.char(0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x1e)
-               soc:send(poke)
+       local status, recv = comm.exchange(host, port, poke, {proto=port.protocol,timeout=10000})
-               local status, recv
-               status, recv = soc:receive_bytes(1)
-               if (string.len(recv)) == 12 then
-                       local byte11 = string.format("%02X", string.byte(recv, 11))
-                       local byte12 = string.format("%02X", string.byte(recv, 12))
+       if not status then
+               return
+       end
-                       -- byte11 must be \x06 IAX Control Frame
-                       -- and byte12 must be \x03 or \x04
-                       if ((byte11 == "06") and
-                          (byte12 == ("03" or "04"))) 
-                       then
-                               nmap.set_port_state(host, port, "open")
-                           port.version.name = "iax2"
-                           nmap.set_port_version(host, port, "hardmatched")
-                       end
+       if (string.len(recv)) == 12 then
+               local byte11 = string.format("%02X", string.byte(recv, 11))
+               local byte12 = string.format("%02X", string.byte(recv, 12))
+               -- byte11 must be \x06 IAX Control Frame
+               -- and byte12 must be \x03 or \x04
+               if ((byte11 == "06") and
+                  (byte12 == ("03" or "04"))) 
+               then
+                       nmap.set_port_state(host, port, "open")
+                   port.version.name = "iax2"
+                   nmap.set_port_version(host, port, "hardmatched")
-               soc:close()
Index: scripts/rpcinfo.nse
--- scripts/rpcinfo.nse (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/rpcinfo.nse (working copy)
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html";
 categories = {"safe","discovery"}
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 require "packet"
 require "datafiles"
@@ -12,14 +13,12 @@
 portrule = shortport.port_or_service(111, "rpcbind")
 action = function(host, port)
-  local try, catch
+  local try
   local transaction_id = "nmap"
-  local socket = nmap.new_socket()
   local result = " \n"
   local rpc_numbers
-  catch = function() socket:close() end
-  try = nmap.new_try( catch )
+  try = nmap.new_try()
   rpc_numbers = try(datafiles.parse_rpc())
   local request = string.char(0x80,0,0,40) -- fragment header
@@ -29,16 +28,8 @@
   request = request .. "\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\4" -- programm version (2) procedure dump(4)
   request = request .. "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"-- Credentials and verifier
-  socket:set_timeout(1000)
-  try( socket:connect(host.ip, port.number) )
-  try( socket:send( request ) )
-  local status, answer, answer_part
-  status, answer = socket:receive_bytes( 1 )
-  while status do
-    status, answer_part = socket:receive_bytes( 1 )
-    if status then answer = answer .. answer_part end
-  end
-  socket:close()
+  local answer = try(comm.exchange(host, port, request, {timeout=1000}))
+  local answer_part
   local fragment_length = answer:byte(4) + answer:byte(3) * 256 + answer:byte(2) * 65536
   if answer:sub(5,8) == transaction_id and answer:byte(12) == 1 and answer:byte(16) == 0 and answer:byte(28) == 0 then
Index: scripts/HTTP_open_proxy.nse
--- scripts/HTTP_open_proxy.nse (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/HTTP_open_proxy.nse (working copy)
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 description="Test if a discovered proxy is open to us by connecting to www.google.com and checking for the 'Server: 
GWS/' header response."
 tags = {"intrusive"}
+require 'comm'
 -- I found a nice explode() function in lua-users' wiki. I had to fix it, though.
 -- http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaRecipes
 function explode(d,p)
@@ -39,22 +41,14 @@
 action = function(host, port)
-       local socket = nmap.new_socket()
-       local result
-       local status = true
        local response
        local i
 -- We will return this if we don't find "^Server: GWS" in response headers
        local retval
-       socket:set_timeout(10000);
-       socket:connect(host.ip, port.number, port.protocol)
 -- Ask proxy to open www.google.com
-       socket:send("GET http://www.google.com HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: www.google.com\r\n\r\n")
--- read the response, if any
-       status, result = socket:receive_lines(1)
+       local req = "GET http://www.google.com HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: www.google.com\r\n\r\n"
+       local status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, req, {proto=port.protocol, timeout=10000})
 -- Explode result into the response table
        if (status == false) or (result == "TIMEOUT") then
@@ -74,7 +68,5 @@
--- close the socket and exit, returning the retval string.
-       socket:close()
        return retval
Index: scripts/finger.nse
--- scripts/finger.nse  (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/finger.nse  (working copy)
@@ -8,29 +8,13 @@
 categories = {"discovery"}
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 portrule = shortport.port_or_service(79, "finger")
 action = function(host, port)
-       local socket = nmap.new_socket()
-       local results = ""
-       local status = true
+       local try = nmap.new_try()
-       local err_catch = function()
-               socket:close()
-       end
-       local try = nmap.new_try(err_catch())
-       socket:set_timeout(5000)
-       try(socket:connect(host.ip, port.number, port.protocol))
-       try(socket:send("\r\n"))
-       status, results = socket:receive_lines(100)
-       socket:close()
-       if not(status) then
-               return results
-       end
+       return try(comm.exchange(host, port, "\r\n", {lines=100, proto=port.protocol, timeout=5000}))
Index: scripts/mswindowsShell.nse
--- scripts/mswindowsShell.nse  (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/mswindowsShell.nse  (working copy)
@@ -9,22 +9,14 @@
 categories = {"backdoor"}
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 portrule = shortport.port_or_service(8888, "auth")
 action = function(host, port)
-       local status = 0
-       local result = ""
+       local status, result = comm.get_banner(host, port, {bytes=4096})
-       local client_ident = nmap.new_socket()
-       client_ident:connect(host.ip, port.number)
-       status, result = client_ident:receive_bytes(4096)
-       client_ident:close()
        if string.match(result, "Microsoft Windows") then
                return "Possible open windows shell found."
Index: scripts/ircZombieTest.nse
--- scripts/ircZombieTest.nse   (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/ircZombieTest.nse   (working copy)
@@ -9,22 +9,14 @@
 categories = {"malware"}
+require "comm"
 require "shortport"
 portrule = shortport.port_or_service(113, "auth")
 action = function(host, port)
-       local status = 0
-       local owner = ""
+       local status, owner = comm.get_banner(host, port, {lines=1})
-       local client_ident = nmap.new_socket()
-       client_ident:connect(host.ip, port.number)
-       status, owner = client_ident:receive_lines(1)
-       client_ident:close()
        if owner == "TIMEOUT" then
Index: scripts/ripeQuery.nse
--- scripts/ripeQuery.nse       (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/ripeQuery.nse       (working copy)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+require "comm"
 require "ipOps"
 id = "RIPE query"
@@ -12,25 +13,8 @@
 action = function(host, port)
-       local socket = nmap.new_socket()
-       local status, line
-       local result = ""
+       local status, result = comm.exchange("whois.ripe.net", 43, host.ip .. "\n")
-       socket:connect("whois.ripe.net", 43)
---     socket:connect("", 43)
-       socket:send(host.ip .. "\n")
-       while true do
-               local status, lines = socket:receive_lines(1)
-               if not status then
-                       break
-               else
-                       result = result .. lines
-               end
-       end
-       socket:close()
        local value  = string.match(result, "role:(.-)\n")
        if (value == "see http://www.iana.org.";) then
Index: scripts/PPTPversion.nse
--- scripts/PPTPversion.nse     (revision 7153)
+++ scripts/PPTPversion.nse     (working copy)
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 categories = {"version"}
+require "comm"
 portrule = function(host, port) 
                port.number == 1723
@@ -24,23 +26,6 @@
 action = function(host, port)
-       -- create the socket used for our connection
-       local socket = nmap.new_socket()
-       -- set a reasonable timeout value
-       socket:set_timeout(5000)
-       -- do some exception handling / cleanup
-       local catch = function()
-               socket:close()
-       end
-       local try = nmap.new_try(catch)
-       -- connect to the potential PPTP service
-       try(socket:connect(host.ip, port.number, "tcp"))
        local payload
        -- build a PPTP Start-Control-Connection-Request packet
@@ -67,24 +52,9 @@
        payload = payload .. "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" -- padding for vendor name
        payload = payload .. "\000\000\000\000" -- padding for vendor name
-       try(socket:send(payload))
-       local status
-       local response
-       -- read in any response we might get
-       status, response = socket:receive_bytes(1)
+       local try = nmap.new_try()
+       local response = try(comm.exchange(host, port, payload, {bytes=1, timeout=5000}))
-       if (not status) then
-               return
-       end
-       if (response == "TIMEOUT") then
-               return
-       end
-       try(socket:close())
        local result
        -- check to see if the packet we got back matches the beginning of a PPTP Start-Control-Connection-Reply packet

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