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Re: Skript k1dz R Us

From: "rain.forest.puppy" <rfpuppy () iname com>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 21:44:02 -0600

"Look ma, no bloat!"

Jordan Ritter said:
Far be it for me to coerce anyone out of taking the long route and >writing a bunch of C code that a few lines of sed 
or awk can do.

Yes, yes, yes.  I feel guilty now.  So, below is the perl code to parse
nmap's machine log format.  And it's only in four lines.  Perl hacker
I'm not, but I don't think 4 lines is to shabby.  Of course, when I say
4 lines, I mean 4 lines to parse the logs.  Obviously more lines of code
to add a function to do something.  It will be in with the other nmap
stub files (when they're officially posted next week).


ps. I haven't been able to download nlog, so I don't know what code it
uses to parse the logs.  Maybe it's better, I dunno.

--------- begin perl code ------------

while(<>){ @udp=@tcp=(), $udp=$tcp=0, $Index=$OS="";
$$2=push @$2, $1 while(m#([0-9]+)/[a-z]+/(udp|tcp)/////[,]*#g);
$$1=$2 while(m#([^ \n:]+): ([^ \n]+)#g);
$OS=$1 if(m#OS: ([^\n]+)#); #} complete code to parse nmap logfile 

# Usage:        cat nmap_machine_output_file | perl this_program.pl
#       OR      perl this_program.pl < nmap_machine_output_file
#       OR      perl this_program.pl nmap_machine_output_file
# provides      @udp, @tcp (arrays of ports)
#               $udp, $tcp (number of ports for each)
#               $Host      (ip address in string format)
#               $Index     (Sequence Index, if avail)
#               $OS        (OS name, if avail)

#  Put your code here

# Example/demo code

print "IP: $Host";
print " (Seq: $Index OS: $OS)" if ($OS ne "");
print "\nTotal TCP ports: $tcp\n";
print join " ", @tcp;
print "\nTotal UDP ports: $udp\n";
print join " ", @udp;
print "\n\n";

### End of your code #####################################

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