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Re: Court orders for blocking of streaming services

From: Grant Taylor via NANOG <nanog () nanog org>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 09:24:43 -0600

On 5/5/22 6:07 AM, Joe Greco wrote:
Greetings -


Aside:  Any greeting more cheerful / up beat seems ... misplaced.

Recently, a court issued a troubling set of rulings in a default decision
against "Israel.TV" and some other sites.

How can someone go to court with "unknown" information like in exhibit A? This seems insultingly incomplete like someone simply didn't want to do their homework.

I take umbrage at the fact that many of the domain names aren't actually domain names and instead are host names or URLs which are decidedly different than a domain name.

If you want someone else to do work on your behalf then you should have the decency and respect to give them /directly/ actionable and /accurate/ data.

This expansive clause basically demands that ISP's implement a
DNS override in recursers, which may be dubiously effective given
things such as DNSSEC and DNS-over-HTTPS complications.  This is
not an insignificant amount of work to implement, and since they
have not limited the list to big players, that means us small guys
would need to do this too.

As others have suggested, I would run this past in-house / retained lawyers before doing anything more than sending an email about it.

Perhaps more worryingly is the clause "by any technological means
available," which seems like it could be opening the door to
mandatory DPI filtering of port 53 traffic, an expensive and dicey
proposition, or filtering at the CPE for those who run dnsmasq on
busybox based CPE, etc., etc.

"diverted by the ISPs DNS servers" seems to be a very small subset of "by any technological means".

I'm waiting for the day that the plaintiff looses control of the landing page to the original defendants and uses the court order -- such as it is(n't) -- against the plaintiff. -- "Hey, you failed to renew the domain for your landing page, so we did. Now we are using your own ruling against you. Either we get the traffic or your own landing page is filtered as a (Newly-Detected Website)."

This seems to be transferring the expense of complying to third
parties who had nothing to do with the pirate sites.

I feel like "undue burden" is going to come into play here.

And how is this practical when this scales to hundreds or thousands
of such rulings?

As it is, it won't.

Is anybody here considering recovering compliance costs from the


Grant. . . .
unix || die

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