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Re: DoD IP Space

From: Izaac <izaac () setec org>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2021 19:50:59 -0500

On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 03:43:43PM -0800, Sabri Berisha wrote:
No, but the NOC that sits in between does need to access both. Sure, you can

A single NOC sitting in the middle of a single address space.  I believe
I'm detecting an architectural paradigm on the order of "bouncy castle."

Tell me, do you also permit customer A's secondary DNS server to reach
out and touch customer B's tertiary MongoDB replica in some other AZ for
a particular reason?  Or are these networks segregated in some
meaningful way -- a way which might, say, completely vacate the entire
point of having a completely de-conflicted 1918 address space?

use jumphosts, but now you're delaying troubleshooting of a potentially costly

Who's using jumphosts?  I very deliberately employed one of my least
favorite networking "technologies" in order to give you direct
connections.  I just had to break a different fundamental networking
principle to steal the bits from another header.  No biggie.  You won't
even miss the lack of ICMP or the squished MTU.  Honest.

It's just "your" stuff anyway.  The customers have all that delicious
10/8 to use.  Imagine how nice troubleshooting that would be, where
anything that's 172.16/12 is "yours" and anything 10/8 is "theirs."

NAT'ing RFC1918 to other RFC1918 space inside the same datacenter, or even
company, is a nightmare. If you've ever been on call for any decently sized
network, you'll know that.

And that's different than NATing non-1918 addresses to a 1918 address
space how?  Four bytes is four bytes, no?  Or are 1918 addresses magic
when it comes to the mechanical process of address translation?

As far as being on call and troubleshooting, I'd think that identically
configured rack-based networks would be ideal, no?  In the context of
the rack, everything is very familiar.  That is always the
gateway for the rack hosts.  That is always the iSCSI
target on the SAN.  (Or is it more correctly NAS, since any random PDU
in Wallawalla WA can hit my disks in Perth via its unique address on a
machine which lives "not at all hypothetically" under the raised floor
or something.  Maybe sitting in the 76-80th RU.)

Maybe I should investigate these "jumphosts" of which you speak, too.
They might have some advantages.  

But I'm sure using your spreadsheets to look up everything all the time
works even better.  Especially when you start having to slice your
networks thinner and thinner and renumber stuff.  But I'm sure no
customer would ever say they needed more address space than was
initially allocated to them.  It should be trivial to throw them
another /24 from elsewhere in the 10 space, get it all routed and
filtered and troubleshoot that on call.  Much easier than handing them
very own 10/8.

We both know that this is

A. An operational nightmare, and 
B. Simply not the way things work in the real world.

Right.  What would I know about the real world?  What madman would ever
deploy a system in a way other than the flat, star pattern in which you
suggest.  Who even approaches that scale and scope?

not plan for the networks to grow to the size they became. Just like we would
never run out of the 640k of memory, people thought they would never run out
of RFC1918 space. Until they did.

Yes.  Whoever could have seen that coming.  If only we had developed
mechanisms for extending the existing IPv4 address space.  Maybe by
making multiple hosts share a single address by using some kind of "proxy"
or committing a horrible sin and stealing bits from a different layer.

Or perhaps we could even deploy a different protocol with an even larger
address space.  It could be done in parallel, even.  Well.  I can dream,
can't I?

And when that James May moment arrives, people start looking at a quick fix
(i.e., let's use unannounced public space), rather than redesigning and
reimplementing networks that have been in use for a long long time.

A long long time indeed.  Why, I remember back in the late 1990s when
the cloud wars started.  They were saying Microsoft would have to divest
Azure.  Barnes and Noble had just started selling MMX-optimized instances for
machine learning.  The enormous web farms at Geocities were really
pushing the envelope of the possible when it came to high availability
concurrent web connections by leveraging CDNs.  Very little has changed
since then.  We've hardly had the opportunity to look at these networks,
let alone consider rebuilding them.  Who has the time or opportunity?
That Cisco 2600 may be dusty, but it's been holding the fort all this

TL;DR: in theory, I agree with you 100%. In practice, that stuff just doesn't

Well thanks for sharing.  I think we've all learned a lot.

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