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Hawaii exchange and connection to mainland pops

From: Antoni Matamalas <a.matamalas () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 10:37:01 +0100


I'm trying to figure out how is the connectivity in the Hawaiian Islands
for a project I have. I'm based in Europe and my knowledge of the details
of the communications in the islands is still limited. The project is based
in the O'ahu island but I'm trying to understand how things are working in
the whole Hawaiian islands (pure professional curiosity). I'm focusing on
two aspects:

* Content delivery and connection to content providers (Google, Apple,
* Availability of providers that can supply wavelength between Hawaiian
Islands and the continent (LA, Seattle or other locations)

Doing a quick investigation I found the Aloha-IX in the PeeringDB but it
looks like it doesn't have many participants and non of them appear to be a
content provider. I was expecting that Hawaii being one of the major
landing points of fiber in the Pacific would have some more presence of
content providers and CDNs. However, I know that the total population of
the island is not that much (and disperse) and maybe not enough for such
kind of deployments.

Also, in terms of connectivity to the continent I have not been too lucky
finding providers with wavelength services. For the moment I have had some
contact with GTT and NTT but not sure if there are any other
regional/national providers that can also provide such services.

Thanks you very much in advanced for your help!

Kind regards,

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