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Re: Data Center operations mail list?

From: Rafael Possamai <rafael () gav ufsc br>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 16:52:10 -0500

Thanks! That works for Apache2.2. For those interested that are using
Apache2.4, make this change:

-Order deny,allow
-Deny from all
+Require all denied

The rest should be the same. Here is some more info:


On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 2:16 PM, Jim Popovitch <jimpop () gmail com> wrote:

That's a very old (in Internet Years) Mailman problem that was solved
with session cookies in v2.1.16 (16-Oct-2013).  If you're still
paranoid, and don't want to piss your users off with privacy leaking
captcha, then just set up some referer checking in your apache or
nginx configs:


      # Prevent subscription request spam
     SetEnvIf Referer lists\.example\.com localreferer
     <Location /mailman/subscribe>
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from env=localreferer
-Jim P.

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