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Re: abuse reporting tools

From: Gregg Berkholtz <gregg () tocici com>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 22:38:53 -0800

First please filter the source addr on all egress traffic, please. Please.

Second, please don’t be the network admin whom emails:
To: notOurOrgAbuseEmail () tocici com
From: cluelessAdmin () example com
Subject: An attempt of intrusion comes from your ip


Just in case you missed the obvious: message body was empty, $cluelessAdmin didn’t do a basic whois for our 
OrgAbuseEmail, and $cluelessAdmin ASSumed we knew which of our 2,048 IPs apparently started WWIII while providing 
absolutely zero collaborating evidence (attaching or linking to raw tcpdump is very nice, “-d” is Ok too). We often 
receive dozens of these totally useless/blank emails, in clusters of a few minutes.

Tricks like that earn an instant 144-hour null route badge for whichever sending company’s entire presumed netblock (if 
we can’t find an obvious AS), repeat offenses earn longer and more colorful badges. All get a personal voicemail to the 
$cluelessAdmin company’s exec(s)/admin(s). I deliver these voicemails roughly three times a week now. Teh Stupid leaves 
burn marks on our NOC techs, and the poor geeks can only take so much!

Other suggestions, such as watching and responding to s/NetFlow spikes, or tracking/linking multiple complaining 
networks before even attempting to look at origins…these sometimes warrant a followup depending upon volume and 
frequency (easily tracked with an SQLLite + PHP-based tool/api). We’ve found things are more-often just fat fingers, 
someone more bored than harmful, or someone that hasn’t figured out zmap options yet.

As for a genuine DDoS, with a spoofed-source - can you really do much about this? For years we’ve just automatically 
null-routed (+RTBH) the ingress target (and, if obvious, any egress source) for a shortish random() period, and 
everyone typically gets bored shortly thereafter. Our current null-route based homegrown DDoS mitigation platform 
requires barely ~10 seconds from detection/onset to mitigation, so we tend to elimianate most fun and drama pretty 
quickly. For more business-focused clients, services like CloudFlare typically keeps DDoS attacks off ingress IPs.

(BTW: in addition business sites, we host Minecraft, Teamspeak, and other "l33t hax0r” targeted services)

Gregg Berkholtz

On Nov 18, 2014, at 4:58 PM, Mike <mike-nanog () tiedyenetworks com> wrote:


   I provide broadband connectivity to mostly residential users. Over the
past few years, instances of DDoS against the network - specfically
targeting end users - has been on the rise, and today I can qualify many
of these as simple acts of revenge where someone will engage a dos
(possibly, services like 'booters' or similar) because they lost an
online game or had some interactive in a forum they didn't like. I have
good 'consumer broadband' filtering rules in place which make sense and
protect against quite a lot of obviously ddos oriented traffic streams.
The next step I want to engage, for those types of traffic which I can
positively identify as not spoofed, is to send out abuse reports to
owners of ip ranges used to launch these attacks. Ideally I'd like to be
able to write up some form letter describing the attack, the source
ip(s) of note, some disassembled sample packets, and then feed a list of
IP source addresses and have it mail it out to the abuse contact at each
source network. I am wondering if anyone has a pointer or reference to
any tools which might help facillitate this?

Thank you.


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