nanog mailing list archives

Re: Richard Bennett, NANOG posting, and Integrity

From: Matt Palmer <mpalmer () hezmatt org>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:43:00 +1000

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 10:53:51PM -0700, Richard Bennett wrote:
In fact Netflix is asking to connect to eyeball networks for free:

" Strong net neutrality additionally prevents ISPs from charging a
toll for interconnection to services like Netflix, YouTube, or
Skype, or intermediaries such as Cogent, Akamai or Level 3, to
deliver the services and data requested by ISP residential
subscribers. Instead, they must provide sufficient access to their
network without charge."

The important phrase there is "requested by ISP residential subscribers". 
You will see this material again.

This isn't the traditional understanding of net neutrality, but this
is the beauty of murky notions: they can be redefined as the
fashions change: "You've designed your network to handle the traffic
demands of web browsing? That's cute, now rebuild it to handle 40
times more traffic while I sit back and call you a crook for not
anticipating my innovation."

A more accurate phrasing would be, "You've designed your network to handle
the traffic demands of web browsing, while *telling your customers they can
stream video*?  That's cute, now provision a few more circuits to your
upstreams to handle the traffic that you said you could handle, instead of
trying to leverage your monopoly position to rent-seek off me."

Entrenched monopoly is what this is all about, ultimately.  Nobody in
Australia (my home town) talks about Net Neutrality.  We don't care.  We
don't *have* to care.  Because no ISP over here currently has a sufficiently
captive market to permit them to play chicken with a content provider.  Any
ISP who did, and held their customer base to ransom, would very quickly find
themselves losing customers -- at least that segment of the market that used
the relevant content provider's services.  Perhaps that wouldn't be a bad
thing for the ISP -- less traffic, lower costs, better margins...  but at
least customers would be able to choose.  No such luck in the US, where some
eye-wateringly high percentage of users have no choice in who provides them
a given service.

- Matt

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