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Re: Dear Linkedin,

From: Barry Shein <bzs () world std com>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 22:36:42 -0400

On June 10, 2012 at 19:47 apishdadi () gmail com (Ameen Pishdadi) wrote:
Don't know if someone already posted this but there forcing people
the reset there passwords, but it let's you reset it to the same
password as before... How many people are going to use the same pass?
I'd say a good portion, LinkedIn needs some new isec employees

It's only Linkedin not bank accounts -- not that most people's bank
accounts are much to worry about either :-)

But what's dumb is that what they're asking for with that policy is a
big headache for themselves when accounts get messed up, whatever
pranksterism or nefarious deed, I dunno, spamming from someone's
cracked acct is a good example, and Linkedin's staff has to deal with
each and every one.

Maybe they lack imagination as to what they might be getting
themselves into.

        -Barry Shein

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