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RE: What vexes VoIP users?

From: Nathan Eisenberg <nathan () atlasnetworks us>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 19:41:14 +0000

Odd - do the phones just randomly egress from different IPs in the pool if you don't?  Is this perhaps a too-long 
registration interval issue?  Short registration timers seem to deal with keeping the state table appeased on most 
firewalls.  Any chance the NAT device has some god-forsaken ALG agent installed that's trying to proxy the SIP traffic?

(Yes, I hate ALGs.  They are evil.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Owen DeLong [mailto:owen () delong com]
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 11:26 AM
To: Bret Palsson
Cc: nanog () nanog org
Subject: Re: What vexes VoIP users?

Another vexation for VOIP in the SMB environment is that it rarely works
particularly well (if at all) in light of a multiple-external-address NAT pool.

You simply have to map all of your VOIP phones in such a way that they
consistently get the same external IP every time or shit breaks badly.


On Feb 28, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Bret Palsson wrote:

Since our company is a VoIP company, I will chime in to this topic.

Let's start off with the definitions so everyone is on the same page:

vex |veks|
verb [ trans. ]
make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, esp. with trivial
matters : the memory of the conversation still vexed him | [as adj. ]
( vexing)the most vexing questions for policymakers.]

Alright, now that that's out of the way...

I am only referring to small medium business and some enterprise
(Those are all our customers, we do not do residential)
- Seemingly complex.
- Worried about the "What if the internet goes down" scenario.
- Call quality.
- Price
- Location
- Outages

- Seemingly complex... Very true. Most VoIP companies, both hosted and
on premises are difficult/time consuming to setup and make work they way
you want it.
- What if the internet goes down. This one is a challenge. POTS actually
have issues too, but when analog phone service goes down, there is no light
on the phone indicating that the phones are not working so many customers
perceive there is a problem. With the FCC mandating all POTS move to a VoIP
backend (which for long hauls, is mostly already true) POTS will experience
the same downtime as the internet.
However as we all know, the internet is built to tolerate outages.
For most people they don't understand how the internet actually works.
- Call quality... If a VoIP company pays for good bandwidth and maintains
good relationships with peers, the only concern is the last-mile(From the CO
to location). Now there is much more that plays in quality, ie. codec selection,
voice buffer, locality to the pbx.
- Price... Believe it or not people are worried about paying less for better
service. Who would have thought?
- Location... Location is super important both in the last mile and PBX.
    - Last mile:
            In older locations the copper in the ground is aged, if you
can't get fiber and your stuck using T1, lines, then hopefully you are in a
location that keeps the copper in the ground properly maintained. If you are
in older locations, which one of our offices are, there are remedies, you can
contact your bandwidth provider and have them do a head to head test using
a BERD (bit error rate detector) and they can find the problem. But that's a
whole other topic.

            Some people believe that on premise is the best location for
a PBX, this may or may not be true. I happen to believe that keeping it off
premise is the way to go. You get up-time, redundancy, locality, and mobility.
You just plug in your phone and your phone is up and running. Move offices..
got bandwidth? Your good to go. No equipment to worry about, say a power
outage happens, your voicemail still works people call in and are in call
queues and have no clue you are down. Feels more like POTS with an
enterprise backend.

-Outages: If the internet does fail, most providers offer WAN survivability.
The customer plugs in phone lines into the router and if the internet goes
down, they can make emergency calls or calls to the world limited by the
number of lines the router can accept and are plugged in of course. Now in all
our experience going on 7 years now, 90% of the time WAN outages happen,
guess what also dies, the POTS! Who would have thought that when cables
get cut, that the phone lines were also part of the cables?

There you go, some common worries, with some answers to hopefully
sooth the vexed VoIP user.

Bret Palsson
Sr. Network & Systems Administrator

On Feb 28, 2011, at 11:37 AM, Valdis.Kletnieks () vt edu wrote:

On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:29:08 EST, Bret Clark said:
On 02/28/2011 01:17 PM, Leigh Porter wrote:
VoIP at the last mile is just too niche at the moment. It's for people on
this list, not my mother.

Baloney...if that was the case, then all these ILEC's wouldn't be
whining about POT's lines decreasing exponentially year over year!

I do believe that the ILEC's are mostly losing POTS lines to cell
phones, not to VoIP. I myself have a cell phone but no POTS service
at my home address.  On the other hand, I *am* seeing a metric ton of
Vonage and Magic Jack ads on TV these days - if VoIP is "too niche", how
are those two making any money?

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