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Re: assume v6 available, average cost to implement

From: Pete Carah <pete () altadena net>
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2011 15:53:10 -0400

On 08/03/2011 11:14 AM, brunner () nic-naa net wrote:

In the never ending game of policy whack-a-mole, we are offered the claim that
that the cost to a small to medium business to make its operational purpose
v6 address enabled is in the mid-five figures.

For those of you who do smb consults, some numbers to make a hypothetical
shop consisting of a quarter rack of gear running nothing more goofy than
a couple of applications on a couple of ports, basicially, a dbms plus a
bit of gorp, say in central Kansas, to which some provider, say Kansas
Telekenesis and Telefriend has just made v6 happy.

Having renumbered some time ago, I'm expecting the 50k bogie to
add colons to some retail insurance office or mortuary in central Kansas
to be on the exceedingly good dope high side.

Thanks in advance for real numbers, which I'll sanitize before using to
attmept to keep one policy playpen slightly less crazy than normal.

I have dual-stacked 4 networks so far, 3 small (soekris freebsd router)
and one larger (3 7206vxr, all border+core).  The first small one
started with the soekris in v4-only (comcast), added a tunnel and then
took a week or two of evenings to straighten out.  The second (also
comcast v4-only) changed out a netscreen to the soekris when we
multihomed, then added a v6 tunnel and dual-stacked all 10 internal
vlans; this took a few days of my time spread over a week or two (never
v6-enabled the xp or win2003 systems, though.  Linux, BSD, and
vista+win7 all "just worked".  I'm not sure if samba is properly
v6-configured yet but it doesn't (so far) matter).  The third small one
took one evening (it was a duplicate of the first small one, both
single-homed home systems with soekris freebsd routers.)

The 7206 one is still progressing without (so far) a v6 IGP, and only a
few vlans actually dual-stacked.  It does have BGP6 working on two of
the borders (and ibgp to all 3) so the system is native and not tunneled
(except for one remote location with a v4-only T1 connection).

So the most for a "small business" size system was the home one with the
learning curve at maybe 2 weeks of evenings (probably 30 hours).  The
last was probably 4.

-- Pete

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