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Re: legacy /8

From: Jeffrey Lyon <jeffrey.lyon () blacklotus net>
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 08:06:44 -0400

People use IPv4 because it's cost effective to do so. When I only have
to pay $1250 per year for a /21 there is little incentive to heavily
restrict the use of that space. People are buying dedicated servers
every day with /29 - /24 of space using very questionable
justification and any justification that is provided is difficult and
labor intensive to validate.

If the cost of IP space were to go up dramatically many organizations
would suddenly decide that they don't need a /18 - longer and
therefore would go back to getting smaller allocations from their ISP,
returning some space, and/or planning the use of space much more
carefully. Supply and demand will run it's course.

For small companies the cost of moving to IPv6 is far too great,
especially when we rely on certain DDoS mitigation gear that does not
yet have an IPv6 equivalent.


On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 4:38 AM, Jim Burwell <jimb () jsbc cc> wrote:
On 4/3/2010 01:03, Jeroen van Aart wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
It was thought that we would not have nearly so many people connected
to the internet.  It was expected that most things connecting to the
internet would be minicomputers and mainframes.

It took some visionary and creative thinking to "come up" with the
internet. But given such a train of thought the idea of everyone being
connected isn't such a wild idea. I can imagine it'd be almost a given.

Although if I get the time frame right in those days you had 2 camps,
those (ibm, dec...) who believed that there was no need for home
computers and you only needed a few (hundred?) thousand big mainframes
and minicomputers and those (commodore, apple...) who believed
(rightfully so) there was going to be a big future and demand for home

So I guess depending on what "camp" you were in, it's not that strange
to not envision all these household computers being interconnected.

Hindsight is always 20/20.  But remember that the internet started as a
DoD project with just the military, mil contractors, universities, etc,
connected to it.  At first it wasn't even envisioned as something the
general public would even use.  And back in those times having a
computer at home was still a fairly unusual thing.  Only "geeks" had
them (I remember kids poking fun at me back in middle school when they
found out I had a home computer).  Back then, during the "computer
revolution", you used a modem to connect to BBSes, services like
Compu$serve, and perhaps the UUCP network for email and usenet.  The
internet was something only big orgs, corps, universities, and the
military had.

So it's not *too* surprising that the "explosion" that happened after
the web browser/server came into being was a bit of a surprise for
people.  And it wasn't all that long after the explosion that I started
hearing about things like "IP-NG", etc (for a while I thought IPv6 would
use OSI NSAPs hehe).  So they got busy addressing the problem pretty
quickly, despite having not predicted such a big explosion in internet
use.  Of course my memory could be a bit foggy, but there are guys on
this list who were on the leading edge of all this who could (and
probably have) tell the whole story in more detail.  :)


Jeffrey Lyon, Leadership Team
jeffrey.lyon () blacklotus net |
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