nanog mailing list archives

Re: Yahoo Mail Update

From: "Suresh Ramasubramanian" <ops.lists () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 21:18:48 +0530

On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 8:24 PM, Martin Hannigan <hannigan () gmail com> wrote:
 Having some provider or group(MAAWG?) explain the new and improved
 overhead driven mail/abuse desk would make an excellent NANOG
 presentation, IMHO, and it could include  a V6 slant like "and to
 handle V6 abuse issues the plan is.....".

MAAWG spent three entire meetings drafting this - and a very
interactive drafting process it was too (hang flipcharts on the walls,
each with a key question, people circulate around the room with marker
pens, write their ideas. Other people rate these ideas.  The
flipcharts are then taken down, the contents edited to produce a BCP

Here's the abuse desk management BCP - one that includes several
things that I personally regard as a very good idea indeed -

And by the time v6 actually gets used for exchanging email except
between "guy with personal colo and a tunneled /48, and / etc hosted lists" .. you'll probably find that the basic
concepts of filtering remain much the same, v4, v6 (or perhaps even
Jim Fleming's or that Chinese vendor's IPv9)


Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.lists () gmail com)

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