nanog mailing list archives

Re: Packet Kiddies Invade NANOG

From: "Gregory Taylor" <greg () xwb com>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 22:43:29 -0600

Matthew (yes I know it is you), The personal information you have posted regarding my phone number is me.  However, the 
slanderous material and obvious hate/flame statements you made against me are absolutely false. 

I have not attacked any Internet Service Provider or IRC server in several years.  I am and have been retired from the 
underground for a long while now, despite the constant comments made to the contrary by people who do not represent me 
in any manner.

I admit publically to everyone who may read this posting, that I have made some very stupid decisions in the past and I 
had hurt alot of people in the process.  Despite my attempts to justify my actions, the fact is two wrongs do not make 
a right.

XWB is my dad's personal sole propietership.  Not once has anyone involved with XWB ever attempted to represent that 
business as anything more than a Sole propietership that does web development work for non-profit organizations and 
small businesses.  My father works very hard and your attempt at attacking his character was uncalled for and 
unnecessary.  I do not know what your problem with me is, Matthew, but whatever they are, you need to leave them off of 
NANOG and the phone calls to my house are not appreciated either.

I hope you realize that posting personal information about people, such as phone numbers, addresses, and any other such 
stuff to a public forum without the consent of the person to whom that information belongs to, is illegal.  It is a 
felony in fact.  Your unfounded truthless statements about myself and my father's business are a felony as well and if 
I wanted to take action, could end in a civil lawsuit against you for libel and slander.

Will I take that approach?  Probably not, mostly because the people on this list, minus certain people, are for the 
most part mature, intelligent adults who do not care to take part in flame wars, nor do they listen to slanderous 
statements made by someone who obviously has some kind of jealousy towards someone to the point that he has to make 
public unprovoked attacks against that person's character.

The people who matter on this list will most likely ignore this thread and what not.

Good luck in whatever future endeavor you may take.
And this is my only and last response to this thread.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: <albertpublic () hushmail com>
Date:  Sun, 14 Mar 2004 14:37:38 -0800


Let me spell it out crystal clear so you can understand.  Are you, or
are you not, the Gregory 
Taylor referenced in the URL's I sent below?

Albert P.
(signing his real name so Susan won't remove him from the list)

maturity in its purest form.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: <albertpublic () hushmail com>
Date:  Sat, 13 Mar 2004 17:17:42 -0800

I've noticed a number of shining stars in the network engineering
have graced us 
with their presence and infinite wisdom in the past few days, including
Gregory Taylor.   I 
can't help but wonder if this is the same who launched multi-gigabit
DDoS attacks against 
IRC servers and major ISP's recently:

Coincidence?  You decide.  Better yet, call his mother at 1-253-
and let her know 
you don't approve of his hacking activities.  If enough of us put
pressure on, it's possible 
he'll be grounded, and his computer priviledges will be revoked.
happened before, it can 
happen again.   

For those of you wondering, "Xpert Web Builders" (XWB.COM) is bogus.
They don't operate a 
network, they're a sole proprietorship tech support and web dev
run by some clue-
challenged kids who don't even have the cashflow needed to invest
a post-paid cellular 

Then there's Andrew Kirch, aka "trelane", who just published a
(albeit highly 
technically inaccurate, and bearing little or no basis in reality)

whitepaper on the "script kiddie culture":

Only problem is, he hangs out on EFNet in #sigdie, a channel known
security circles as a 
place where large-scale DDoS attacks, usually involving 1000's
drone nets or otherwise compromised machines,  are coordinated.
one to know one, I 
guess.  The fun doesn't stop there: he's publicly admitted to helping

packet IRC servers before!       

I'm still working on building a rap sheet on Kirch's friend, Brian
and their "Summit 
Open Source Development Group" (which, by all accounts, is a 
legitimate-looking front for their not-so-legitimate activities).
anyone has any info, mail 
me privately, and I'll summarize.

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