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Re: IP address fee??

From: Brad Knowles <brad.knowles () skynet be>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 16:17:15 +0200

At 3:40 PM +0200 2002/09/06, Peter van Dijk wrote: is not special from a DNS point-of-view.

Technically, you are correct. However, this issue is as much about how the DNS has been used historically, and general agreed-upon principles by which the DNS should be used, as it is about how do you technically serve that information.

If you have a nail and a hammer, there are ways of using the hammer to hit the nail that will be less productive than others (in terms of nailing some object to another). If you choose to lay the nail flat on the top object and hit the side of the nail with the hammer, you're welcome to do so.

However, if you do this, don't be surprised when it doesn't stick to second object very well. Moreover, don't come complaining to me, or anyone else, who told you that this was stupid thing to do.

        Bizarre.  Truly bizarre.  Somehow, I feel compelled to make some
 remark about "perverting the course of the DNS", or somesuch.

 What am I doing wrong in this case? A zone is delegated, the
 nameserver receiving the delegation serves this zone. No apexes

For the most part, we only care about mis-uses and abuses of technical tools (like the DNS) to the degree that we can modify future versions of the programs that serve these protocols to refuse to function in this manner, thus preventing people from accidentally (or otherwise) doing these kinds of incredibly stupid things.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles () skynet be>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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