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RE: IDS experience's - summary

From: "Brandon Knicely" <bknicely () nyc rr com>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 11:46:27 -0400

Thanks to those that responded, content listed below with a few comments of
my own.  Also welcome additional discussion.

A lot of new activity in the space, but very little differentiation beyond
scale.  Correlation and mining of useful and actionable information minimal
at best.  Multiple 'probes' magnify the problem.  Signature based products
based on their maturity still rule although some of the new 'pattern'
matching products appear interesting.  Their problem is providing enough
pattern classification detail to understand the reasoning.

Would appreciate any comments on 'intelligent' multi-probe data mining
approaches/products examined and/or enterprise cross-vendor correlation
products.  I've seen Bayesian and neural network approaches that appear
promising but are currently closer to a research project rather something

Also welcome vendor feedback although prefer off-list mail.



I've used ISS's RealSecure on Nokia's platform, Snort on Solaris/OBSD, and
Dragon under FreeBSD. In my opinion ISS's RealSecure just isn't worth the
money. I've used snort the most, and in once of two situations. The first
being to proactively detect issues. Once you iron out all the false
positives it tends to work very well. The second scenario where it was
very usefull was after a break in happened and once the network was
resecured. This allowed us to make sure there were no trojans left behind
that were missed. Hope this helps somewhat.

Adam Mazza

The only real value from IDS data is based upon your ability to mine
and interpret it. This is something that IDS vendors have utterly
failed to provide a solution to, and something that most customers
haven't totally wrapped their head around.

In fact, a seperate IDS data mining and interpreting industry has
popped up with players like NetForensics, Intellitactics and I'm
sure there are others. In fact, if SilentRunner took snort logs
(I haven't checked in a while) it would be an ideal solution for

It is to the point where it really doesn't matter what brand of
sensor you install, as none of them do data corelation effectively
enough to be used without a third party data mining solution, for
installations of more than a single sensor.

I have found that even having 0-day signatures for the most obscure
and dangerous exploits, doesn't add much value to an IDS. This
is because even a skript kid with 0-day warez is going to probe,
portscan and reach for low hanging fruit before they will risk exposing
their more valuble toys to a potential honeypot. All an IDS is, is
a policy monitoring device, which you use to make operational decisions,
and potentially to augment your policy enforcement.

The value of IDS data is really only uncovered through corelation.
Anomaly based systems try to do this as part of the detection process,
whereas signature based systems assume it will be done in post processing.
Anomalies are ultimately just a different kind of signature anyway. :)

With things like ACID and other front ends to Snort, IMHO, the best
view of the data you can get is a listing of source ip addresses with the
number of unique alerts they generated over a long period of time.

The visualization tools from Intellitactics look like they were lifted
from This doesn't undermine how useful and cool they are,
but it suggests that someone with more skills than I, will think of a
way to parse snort logs into something like NetCDF or some other
scientific visualization format for use with real visualization and
data mining tools.

I spend most of my day watching IDS's that generate massive amounts of
data, and this information is based upon that experience.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brandon Knicely [mailto:bknicely () nyc rr com]
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 2:29 PM
To: Nanog@Merit. Edu
Subject: IDS experience's

IDS's have been around awhile but recently became interested in their
usefulness.  I was wondering if I could get some group feedback on the

1.  How many folks have actually deployed either a NID, NNID or HID system?

2.  Have they been useful or just generated noise and excess cycles? (1 -
waste of time, 10 - water walker)

3.  Any 'real-world' comparative/useful data and/or opinion on different pattern matching, anomoly detection and/or data mining

4.  Any feedback on Snort, ISS, Cisco or Symantec?  Or other newer/different
approaches ie Okena?

5.  Other general good information, ie issues, gripes, etc.?

I would appreciate any help, feel free to contact direct or list and will



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