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RE: US West and RADSL (fwd)

From: Chad Skidmore <cskidmor () nwnexus com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 19:46:51 -0700

Actually, they are not cross-marketing in ALL 14 states.  The Washington
Association of ISPs managed to work with the Utilities Commission in
Washington to put language in the tariff that prevents/limits
cross-marketing.  Take a look at the tariff at
and check the Washington MegaBit tariffs.  Some of the language from
that tariff could be incorporated into other state tariffs to prevent
this kind of cross-marketing.

If you know of any cross-marketing please let us know.  The WUTC would
love to hear as well.

Chad Skidmore
Director of Network Engineering
Northwest Nexus, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dax Kelson [mailto:dkelson () inconnect com]
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 1998 2:31 PM
To: nanog () merit edu
Subject: US West and RADSL (fwd)

Doesn't look like her email made it to the NANOG list.  
Co-marketing of an
ILEC ISP along with the DSL circuit is going to be a big issue as the
ILECs rollout DSL nationwide.  DSL is coming probably faster then you
think, we turned up the first DSL connection in Utah a couple 
weeks ago.

Dax Kelson
Internet Connect, Inc.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 12:18:39 -0600
From: Marianne Granoff <granoff () nm net>
To: dkelson () inconnect com
Cc: jarneault () inet-solutions net, nanog () merit org
Subject: US West and RADSL

I could go on and on about the VERY APPALLING situation here 
with USW and
DSL and Internet access, about regulated and unregulated 
services, etc,

Dax Kelson
Internet Connect, Inc.

The preceeding message was forwarded to me by one of our NM 
ISPs.  US West
has been co-marketing its Internet service _with_ its RADSL 
service in all
of its 14 states 
Actions by ISP groups in Oregon and New Mexico may provide 
some relief to
local ISPs there.

I have just put up a listserve for ISPs in the US West states 
to use in
sharing information.  Technet has had one for the NM ISPs for 
several years
- it has been a big help in getting out the word about some of these
actions.  How about uswisp () lists nm net?  Please feel free to 
send this out
to any interested ISPs.

To subscribe, just send an empty note to:

   uswisp-subscribe () lists nm org
I believe that all the RBOCs/ILECs have taken or will be 
taking similar
actions.  Even Sprint's new ION services are part of this 
trend.  In my
opinion, this is anti-competitive behavior by monopoly 
organizations.  I
think that many local ISPs will be severly hurt by such 
actions, and more
than a few will close their doors.

As I see it - the biggest problem is that local ISPs are not 
organized and
do not know how - or have the forums - to work together to 
fight actions by
a company the size of US West (or other RBOC/ILEC).  My 
company, New Mexico
Technet, is one of the larger ISPs in NM.  We wholesale 
Internet access to
other ISPs.  We have intervened in the NM tariff filing for US West's
Megabit services (see to 
attempt to
correct some of the things that are very anti-competitive about the
proposed tariff.  So far it has cost us over $30,000 in legal 
fees and we
have not even had the hearing yet.  Most local ISPs cannot do 
this.  Most
local ISPs do not know how to take the actions with the FCC 
or with the
state public regulatory agencies so that their concerns can 
even be heard.
Frankly - most ISPs are not members of CIX or of ISP/C - and 
many of them
do not even know about those organizations, or understand why 
they should

In NM, the local ISPs come in mostly 2 flavors: those that serve urban
areas (Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Las Cruces, Los Alamos) who 
"may" be affected
by what US West does but are not sure, and those in rural 
areas who do not
feel they will ever be affected by these actions, and so do 
not care.  In
much of US West's 14 state territory - I suspect that this is 
similar.  The
local ISPs in the urban areas have mostly seen the other local ISPs as
competitors, not collaborators.  They have seen US West (or 
as a vendor, not as a competitor.  Most local ISPs worry 
about retribution
from US West (or other RBOC/ILEC) (delayed service, 
unresponsiveness on
outages, unfilled orders) if they come on too strong in criticizing a
company that they are _so_ dependent on. I am not sure that 
their concerns
are not valid.

The local (state) regulatory agencies are overworked and 
underfunded in
this age of telecommunications transition/revolution.  It is 
not that they
don't care.  It is that they simply have too much on their 
plates already.
Few states provided extra funding to handle all the _new_ 
issues raised by
the 1996 Telecommunications Act at the _state_ regulatory 
agency level.  No
one is championing any of this in most states.  I think 
probably because it
is not considered a problem by the vast majority of ISP 
_customers_.  I had
one of my customers tell me to "just get out of the way" and 
let US West
introduce the high speed service because the customer needed 
it right away
and I was just holding it up.  They never saw that US West 
owned some of
the blame in the constant delays, counterfilings, 
interrogatories, motions
to compel, and other actions that have caused this 
intervention to drag on.
 Unfortunately, this person is more typical of ISP customers 
than local
ISPs want to believe.

The saddest aspect of this is that unless something changes, 
US West and
the other RBOCs/ILECs will likely dominate the supply of 
Internet access in
large urban areas in a few years - and the rural areas will 
have a great
deal less Internet access than they do today.  

I think the answer is that the local ISPs _and their 
customers_ have to
come together if they want to have choices about ISPs in the 
future.  It
will take some of the larger ISPs reaching out to the smaller 
local ISPs to
help them get _all_ of their respective customers informed of 
the issues.
It will take the larger ISPs intervening in more state and 
FCC proceedings.
 It will take constant email, listserves, and newsgroups 
spreading such
information - and reaching customers - not just ISPs.  It 
will take some
national politicians to "champion" this cause - some who are 
not worried
about losing RBOC/ILEC campaign contributions - which are 
considerable.  It
will take involvement by media organizations that are not 
worried about
losing the RBOC advertising revenues - which are also considerable. 

It will take every local ISP who is harmed by US West actions calling,
writing, or emailing their local and national politicians and 
letting them
know that they have informed all of their own customers about 
the actions
by US West or other RBOC/ILEC and informing their customers 
of the fact
that the politician has not responded to these
illegal/unethical/anti-competitive actions.

In NM, it is now other internet professionals and businesses that have
joined ISPs in questioning the actions of US West.  Web 
designers, web page
hosting services, internet trainers, web-advertising services 
and other
businesses are starting to realize that US West wants to take their
Internet-based business as well.  This is a start.



Marianne Granoff
Director of Operations
New Mexico Technet, Inc.
5921 Jefferson NE
Albuquerque, N.M. 87109
Ph: (505) 345-6555
FAX: (505) 345-6559
email: granoff () nm net or granoff () technet nm org

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