nanog mailing list archives

Re: How to document threats from pro or anti spam terrorists?

From: Steve Sobol <sjsobol () devel nacs net>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 17:33:51 -0500

On Mon, Feb 23, 1998 at 10:38:42AM -0800, Sean Finn wrote:

When an 'anti-spammer' compromises net access for a group of
people as a response to percieved "net abuse" on the part of
a single member of that group, that's a denial of service. 

The phrase 'using violence to prevent violence' comes to mind.

(I wouldn't say that my government uses 'moral confusion' to
justify it's practices, but ... ;)

Examples, please? Off the list, in private e-mail to me, because this
isn't really applicable to nanog. I'd be interested in hearing your examples.

... but it's my intuition that nanog might not be the place
for this particular debate. 


(suggestions for a more appropriate forum?)

spam-l, maybe? 

***steve scribbles notes to himself to subscribe to that list***

    Steve Sobol, NACS.NET Technical Support []
              sjsobol () nacs net/sjsobol () nstc com/sjsobol () apk net
     Moderator, alt.religion.afterburner []
              SPAM(tm) belongs in a can, not on a mail server.

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