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RE: < < < < BULK EMAIL > > > > (fwd)

From: Jim Fleming <JimFleming () unety net>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 1997 11:14:42 -0600

On Saturday, February 22, 1997 3:03 AM, Bill Manning[SMTP:bmanning () isi edu] 
@ Spam list, meet Nanog list.
@ Nanog list, meet Spam list.
@ --
@ --bill

        Bill meet Bill

From:   Jim Fleming[SMTP:JimFleming () unety net.]
Sent:   Saturday, February 22, 1997 11:11 AM
To:     'president () whitehouse gov'
Cc:     'Dave Crocker'; 'dont () netsol com'; 'Geoff Huston'; 'gstrawn () nsf gov'; 
'Hank Nussbacher'; 'Donald Heath'; 'ISOC-Advisory-Council () isoc org'; 
'ISOC-Trustees () isoc org'; 'Jun Murai'; 'naipr () arin net'; 'New Newdom'; 
'Sally M. Abel'
Subject:        Internet Taxes


Internet Society Cautions White House Against
Imposition Of Taxes On Internet Commerce


The Internet Society is cautioning against taxes while
it spends its time inventing taxes and supporting organizations
that are essentially taxing the net.


It should not be surprising that the Internet Society does
not want other organizations to get involved in taxing the net
until they have had a chance to develop the legal structures.

In the case of the domain system, the Internet Society
is attempting to move the tax authority to Switzerland
because of the International nature of the net. U.S citizens
who helped fund the development of the Internet need to
take careful note, and send your own message to the
Whitehouse and other places.

President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore


U.S. Senate e-mail addresses

Alabama - Shelby, Richard C. (R) - senator () shelby senate gov
Alaska - Stevens, Ted (R) - senator_stevens () stevens senate gov
Arizona - Kyl, Jon (R) - info () kyl senate gov
Arizona - McCain, John (R) - senator_mccain () mccain senate gov
Arkansas - Bumpers, Dale (D) - senator () bumpers senate gov
Arkansas - Hutchinson, Tim (D) - senator.hutchinson () hutchinson senate gov
California - Boxer, Barbara (D) - senator () boxer senate gov
California - Feinstein, Dianne (D) - senator () feinstein senate gov
Connecticut - Dodd, Christopher J. (D) - sen_dodd () dodd senate gov
Connecticut - Lieberman, Joseph I. (D) - 
senator_lieberman () lieberman senate gov
Delaware - Biden, Joseph R., Jr. (D) - senator () biden senate gov
Florida - Graham, Bob (D) - bob_graham () graham senate gov
Georgia - Coverdell, Paul (R) - senator_coverdell () coverdell senate gov
Hawaii - Inouye, Daniel K. (D) - senator () inouye senate gov
Idaho - Craig, Larry E. (R) - larry_craig () craig senate gov
Idaho - Kempthorne, Dirk (R) - dirk_kempthorne () kempthorne senate gov
Illinois - Moseley-Braun, Carol (D) - senator () moseley-braun senate gov
Iowa - Grassley, Chuck (R) - chuck_grassley () grassley senate gov
Iowa - Harkin, Tom (D) - tom_harkin () harkin senate gov
Kansas - Brownback, Sam (R) - sam_brownback () brownback senate gov
Kentucky - Ford, Wendell H. (D) - wendell_ford () ford senate gov
Kentucky - McConnell, Mitch (R) - senator () mcconnell senate gov
Louisiana - Breaux, John B. (D) - senator () breaux senate gov
Maine - Collins, Susan (R) - senator () collins senate gov
Maine - Snowe, Olympia J. (R) - olympia () snowe senate gov
Maryland - Mikulski, Barbara A. (D) - senator () mikulski senate gov
Maryland - Sarbanes, Paul S. (D) - senator () sarbanes senate gov
Massachusetts - Kennedy, Edward M. (D) - senator () kennedy senate gov
Massachusetts - Kerry, John F. (D) - john_kerry () kerry senate gov
Michigan - Abraham, Spencer (R) - michigan () abraham senate gov
Michigan - Levin, Carl (D) senator () levin senate gov
Minnesota - Grams, Rod (R) - mail_grams () grams senate gov
Minnesota - Wellstone, Paul D. (D) - senator () wellstone senate gov
Mississippi - Cochran, Thad (R) - senator () cochran senate gov
Missouri - Ashcroft, John (R) - john_ashcroft () ashcroft senate gov
Missouri - Bond, Christopher S. (R) - kit_bond () bond senate gov
Montana - Baucus, Max (D) - max () baucus senate gov
Montana - Burns, Conrad R. (R) - conrad_burns () burns senate gov
Nebraska - Kerrey, J. Robert (D) - bob () kerrey senate gov
Nevada - Bryan, Richard H. (D) - senator () bryan senate gov
Nevada - Reid, Harry (D) - senator_reid () reid senate gov
New Hampshire - Gregg, Judd (R) - mailbox () gregg senate gov
New Hampshire - Smith, Bob (R) opinion () smith senate gov
New Jersey - Lautenberg, Frank R. (D) - 
frank_lautenberg () lautenberg senate gov
New Mexico - Bingaman, Jeff (D) - senator_bingaman () bingaman senate gov
New Mexico - Domenici, Pete V. (R) - senator_domenici () domenici senate gov
New York - D'Amato, Alfonse M. (R) - senator_al () damato senate gov
New York - Moynihan, Daniel Patrick (D) - senator () dpm senate gov
North Carolina - Faircloth, Lauch (R) - senator () faircloth senate gov
North Carolina - Helms, Jesse (R) - jesse_helms () helms senate gov
North Dakota - Dorgan, Byron L. (D) - senator () dorgan senate gov
Ohio - DeWine, Mike (R) - senator_dewine () dewine senate gov
Oklahoma - Nickles, Don (R) - senator () nickles senate gov
Oregon - Wyden, Ron (D) - senator () wyden senate gov
Pennsylvania - Santorum, Rick (R) - senator () santorum senate gov
Pennsylvania - Specter, Arlen (R) - senator_specter () specter senate gov
Rhode Island - Chafee, John H. (R) - senator_chafee () chafee senate gov
South Carolina - Hollings, Ernest F. (D) - senator () hollings senate gov
South Carolina - Thurmond, Strom (R) - senator () thurmond senate gov
South Dakota - Daschle, Thomas A. (D) - tom_daschle () daschle senate gov
Tennessee - Frist, William H. (R) - senator_frist () frist senate gov
Tennessee - Thompson, Fred (R) - senator_thompson () thompson senate gov
Texas - Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R) - senator () hutchison senate gov
Utah - Bennett, Robert F. (R) - senator () bennett senate gov
Utah - Hatch, Orrin G. (R) - senator_hatch () hatch senate gov
Vermont - Jeffords, James M. (R) - vermont () jeffords senate gov
Vermont - Leahy, Patrick J. (D) - senator_leahy () leahy senate gov
Virginia - Robb, Charles S. (D) senator () robb senate gov
Virginia - Warner, John W. (R) - senator () warner senate gov
Washington - Gorton, Slade (R) - senator_gorton () gorton senate gov
Washington - Murray, Patty (D) - senator_murray () murray senate gov
West Virginia - Byrd, Robert C. (D) - senator_byrd () byrd senate gov
West Virginia - Rockefeller, John D., IV (D) - 
senator () rockefeller senate gov
Wisconsin - Feingold, Russell D. (D) - senator () feingold senate gov
Wisconsin - Kohl, Herb (D) - nator_kohl () kohl senate gov
Wyoming - Enzi, Mike (R) - senator () enzi senate gov
Wyoming - Thomas, Craig (R) - craig () thomas senate gov


Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation

JimFleming () unety net
JimFleming@unety.s0.g0 (EDNS/IPv8)

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