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Re: More on IPSPA.ORG

From: Tim Bass <bass () dune silkroad com>
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 1995 16:13:21 -0500 (EST)

Paul writes:> 

I hate to get involved in another CIX-bashing session, and I will try
really hard to avoid it.  CIX does a lot of work in Washington D.C.,


I agree whole heartedly.  In my proposal for IPSPA, I have not, bashed
the CIX and do not support any CIX bashing.  Any work that IPSPA can
hope to accomplish fully supports all Internet organizations, including
the CIX.

Bob Collet is a fine person, we have had the great pleasure to work together,
and his work for the Internet community is well respected and appreciated.
His love for the Internet is admirable and I honor the work and fellowship
we shared at Sprint.

The goals and visions that I have tried to forward for an organization like
IPSPA.ORG do not include bashing CIX or any other group working for
the common good and interest of the Internet Community.

It is my quixotic hope, as Gordon so dearly put it, that IPSPA.ORG will 
move well beyond the traditional and work in an organized, procedural,
network based non-profit corporation, working closely with the Internet
Community, if the interest is solid.  (there are a total of three
people on the IPSPA mailing list now.... pretty humble beginnings...
but at least majordomo seems to be working)

My first goal for IPSPA would be to use our first IPSPA budget to build
internet services for the elderly in a location that would benefit many    
of our elderly citizens.  I will contribute $500.00 toward this project
as soon as the Corporation is established next week. In addition,
I will contribute the domain registration fees and the original fees
for incorporating IPSPA.  Other contributions to IPSPA are warmly appreciated.
A WWW page will be created so all funds will be accounted for in public for 
full disclosure.  Also, my private corporation will provide all accouting
services, in the beginning, out of our corporate budget.  It is the least
we can do, considering how much the Internet has done for us. 

I think it would be very rewarding for IPSPA members to get into the
holiday spirit early and let's work together to bring the Internet
to those who need it ... one project, one success story at a time.


| Tim Bass                           | #include<campfire.h>                | 
| Principal Network Systems Engineer |       for(beer=100;beer>1;beer++){  |
| The Silk Road Group, Ltd.          |           take_one_down();          |
|                                    |           pass_it_around();         |
|           |       }                             |
|                                    |  back_to_work(); /*never reached */ | 

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