Metasploit mailing list archives

Reverse Connections through a Compromised Host

From: "Demetris Papapetrou" <dpapapetrou () internalaudit gov cy>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:07:24 +0200

Dear list members,


When I try to exploit a machine via an already established pivot point on a
compromised host and set the payload to meterpreter/reverse_tcp I get the
following message during exploitation


[*]  Started reverse handler on [compromised host] via the meterpreter on
session [pivot session]".


This means that somehow Metasploit or more specifically meterpreter opens
some kind of a listener on the compromised host which receives the
reverse_tcp connection and forwards it through the pivot session to the
attacker's machine.  

What I would like to know is which part of Metasploit/Meterpreter is
responsible for this listener/forwarding functionality and whether I could
use it outside of an exploit attempt (e.g. as a standalone listener service
that backdoors on other machines with no direct access to the Internet could
use to reach me)? 


Thank you all in advance for your replies.






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