Metasploit mailing list archives

Re: no response for my pull requests

From: Tod Beardsley <todb () packetfu com>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 17:08:28 -0500

Hi Anwar! We're currently treading lightly on the Meterpreter code base --
even the Java stuff. Sorry for the holdup on your pull requests, we're
moving forward on that front as best we can, but changes that involve a
bunch of lines in a bunch of files will tend to take longer if only because
we need to budget time on them and pull together sufficient testing
resources to ensure regression-free changes.

You might want to get a hold of @scriptjunkie, mihi, or @timwr to see if
you can't get some feedback from them in the meantime.

Thanks for your patience.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Anwar Mohamed <anwarelmakrahy () gmail com>wrote:

I have requested to pull new changes for android meterpreter in both
jav-payload repo and metasploit-framework repo and both got no revision or

is this normal or just I am too enthusiastic for my requests to be merged

they are at

thank you



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