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Re: asm to hex, with a random string

From: AK <platsakos () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 12:51:04 +0200

Hi David3,
I do not fully understand your email (English is a second language for
me at best). My questions are inline:
On 4/27/12 12:32 PM, David3 Gonnella wrote:
After some study i realized that if you want clever assembly you
have to rely on C, just because more complex operations in the end
are associations of hexes that vary on architectures
Documented on "Shellcoder's handbook". I do not understand your last
sentence, ALL operations end up as bytecode, not just the complex ones.

You can just compile and link you program on two different architecture,
get the hexes from the final bin and you have the logic you wrote as i
would when i was asking.
I will send in your personal email a blog post that I have written for
asm <-> shellcode (note the <->). I can also send it to the list,
although this has been done to death :(

Well, that question was not clear also to me, just because was done like
when  you are thinking about something still do not know well.

Yes change a string is not difficult having all architecture factors in
mind but if you want that the string gets the current name of day of the
week, for example, you can't [corrected by me] do that on the assembly least for humans ..AFAIK...
Some people can do. String perhaps is not the proper term, in general
when I see string in a payload context, my mind wanders off to NUL
terminated strings. Still, provided that the substitute is of less or
equal length and that the code was written in a PIC way, you can
substitute instructions on the fly (JNE -> JMP patching for example).
The question is still not clear to me, can you please rephrase?


On 04/27/12 11:39, AK wrote:
The question is not entirely clear to me but if by string you mean 
something along the lines of changing for example /bin/bash to
/tmp/tcsh or something, indeed you can do that, provided that you
keep endianess and other factors in mind. Why is this useful?


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