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psexec/meterpreter wonky behavior?

From: macubergeek <macubergeek () comcast net>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 18:18:58 -0400

So I've identified boxes which use a default local Admin account.
I psexec into a box with those creds and am presented with a meterpreter shell  sweet
I upload wce.exe
drop to a shell and attempt to execute it, I'm presented with this error:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another
I try to delete wce.exe and get the same error.

I guessed that AV is blocking me.

I get back on the same box the next day I drop to a shell, I can execute wce.exe just fine and then delete it just fine.

Does anyone know what happened here? AV is the only explanation I can think of. I've been googling this for days now….



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