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possible bug in auxiliary/gather/shodan_search

From: BG <persistence2success () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 18:01:18 -0600

I get this error message when using shodan_search

 Auxiliary failed: NoMethodError undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
[-] Call stack:
[-] /opt/msf/framework-4.0.0/msf3/modules/auxiliary/gather/shodan_search.rb:155:in `block in run' [-] /opt/msf/framework-4.0.0/msf3/modules/auxiliary/gather/shodan_search.rb:153:in `each' [-] /opt/msf/framework-4.0.0/msf3/modules/auxiliary/gather/shodan_search.rb:153:in `run'

Was going to file a bug report but seen the devs would prefer to ask here first. Looks to have happened in several other modules occasionally. Google told me that it occurs when ruby is looking for an array and gets a nil but didn't give any real way of going about fixing it and my Ruby skills aren't that strong to begin with. Anyone?

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