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Re: xmlrpc.rb

From: Joshua Smith <lazydj98 () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 09:58:20 -0500

I believe it was removed, msgpack is the preferred method

On Sunday, December 11, 2011, Chris Cuevas <ccuevas () secureideas net> wrote:

Did something happen to the xmlrpc.rb plugin in the latest svn version of
Metasploit?  Hopefully I'm just doing something stupid :-)

I'm getting the following error

       [-] Failed to load plugin from
/Users/bubba/tools/msf4/plugins/xmlrpc: no such file to load --

I'm using Metasploit with BeEF and everything was working before I ran an
svn update this morning.

I'm using a .rc file with the following in it

       load xmlrpc ServerHost= Pass=password ServerType=Web

I'm issuing the following command to use the .rc file

       ./msfconsole -r BeEF.rc

When I look for xmlrpc.rb in my msf directory the file is not there.

       find /Users/bubba/tools/msf4 -name *xmlrpc*



I see the xmlrpc.rb file in the plugins directory of older copies of
Metasploit I have, so I was just wondering what happened.

Have I done something in error?

Here's the error again as well

     =[ metasploit v4.2.0-dev [core:4.2 api:1.0]
+ -- --=[ 772 exploits - 410 auxiliary - 120 post
+ -- --=[ 228 payloads - 27 encoders - 8 nops
     =[ svn r14386 updated today (2011.12.11)

[*] Processing BeEF.rc for ERB directives.
resource (BeEF.rc)> load xmlrpc ServerHost= Pass=password
[-] Failed to load plugin from /Users/bubba/tools/msf4/plugins/xmlrpc: no
such file to load -- /Users/bubba/tools/msf4/plugins/xmlrpc

- chris


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