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adobe_pdf_embedded_exe.rb Patch Suggestion

From: Jeremy <jeremy () sudosecure net>
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 15:44:51 -0500

Not sure if this is where I should submit this but I have a simple fix
for the exploit module
"modules/exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_pdf_embedded_exe", as it was
erroring out on a PDF file I was using as the "INFILENAME".  The issue
is the the "/Info" is an optional key within the PDF Trailer
specification and not required.  Reference page 42 of  Obviously
it was kicking out because my input PDF file didn't have the "/Info"
key which lead to me looking into what was wrong.

The error occurs on line 365 of
"modules/exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_pdf_embedded_exe" which is
new_pdf << "/Info #{trailers[0].fetch("Info")} R>>\r\n"

A quick fix to prevent the erroring out is to check if the hash key
exists, so my quick fix was to change it to this:
if trailers[0].has_key?("Info")
      new_pdf << "/Info #{trailers[0].fetch("Info")} R>>\r\n"

I am Ruby n00b so there may be a better or more optimal method to
check if the key exists, but this worked for me.


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