Metasploit mailing list archives

Re: meterpreter newbie

From: MaXe <metafan () intern0t net>
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 13:31:50 +0100

arthur wrote:
Hi All,

I am learning meterpreter and need some help:

1. how good is this doc for latest meterpreter (it is for msf v2)

2. from XP SP1 pc, my meterpreter payload connects to my multi/handler
as user, and ps shows a system32/dllhost process, then I migrate to
that  process, but getuid is still user, not admin/system. My guessing
is that dllhost should be system process. Am I right?

Thanks. Arthur

Hi arthur.

About question 1: has a Metasploit Unleashed
online tutorial. I suggest that you read that along with the Metasploit

About question 2: If you don't have "system" or "administrator"
privileges when your buffer overflow or another exploit has successfully
been executed you will have to escalate your privileges. Keyword:
Privilege Escalation

Best regards,

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