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Re: Encoder failure for with Apache Mod_Rewrite Off-By-One Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

From: Patrick Webster <patrick () aushack com>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 16:51:06 +1100

Umm been a while since I looked but try

set PAYLOAD windows/shell/reverse_ord_tcp


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 7:05 AM, Jacky Jack <jacksonsmth698 () gmail com> wrote:
Hi all

Can anyone  provide a working successful PAYLOAD encoding method of
Metasploit for Apache Mod_Rewrite Off-By-One Buffer Overflow
I've tried several things but have had no success.

Exploit failed: No encoders encoded the buffer successfully.

I know the reasons:

 1. The Encoded Payload size generated is exceeding the limit of
    payload space available for that particular exploit.
 2. There could be some bad characters present in the Encoded Payload.

But couldn't figure the working Payload.

Thank you all.


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