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Meterpreter autoscripts defined in exploits

From: Stuffe < () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 18:40:30 +0800

The idea i have is for meterpreter scipt code to be defined inside exploit
modules. So as to be automatically run when connection to the
meterpretersession is made using that exploit.

I got the idea when i was looking at

The /modules/exploits/windows/mssql/mssql_payload.rb module requires the
user to manually remove the uploaded payload (and clear the logs) after
exploitation, this should be done automatically.
Another obvious example are the exploits that leads to the browser hanging
once exploiting, where the user of course quickly terminates the process.

Maybe it sounds counterintuitive since meterpreter is not the only payload,
but its pretty much becoming the standard i think.


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