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modifying aux/scanner/smb/version.rb

From: ramon at (Ramon de Carvalho Valle)
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 01:02:23 -0300

You can use report_note to store all ip addresses and smb versions on
database and then query it later.


                :host   => ip,
                :proto  => 'SMB',
                :port   => datastore['RPORT'],
                :type   => 'SMB_VERSION',
                :data   => smb_version


On Wed, 2009-08-05 at 19:54 -0700, Joshua Smith wrote:
I modified a copy of aux/scanner/smb/version to output a csv-type
output in order to consume it in another script, but I'd prefer that
the output include all ips in the scan, even if they weren't running
smb.  e.g if I ran it with RHOSTS= I'd like the output
to be 254 lines even if there are only 5 boxes up.  

I was wondering if there is a quick and dirty mod I can make to
version.rb or ./lib/msf/core/exploit/smb.rb or the scanner mixin etc.
Or if there's a way to make that happen naturally (I admit I didn't
look much into the scanner/report action)


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