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sending UDP to broadcast address

From: dninja at (Robin Wood)
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 00:34:27 +0100

I'm trying to write a aux module which sends UDP traffic to the
broadcast address. I've got the following code but it doesn't send any
data out.

            # Create an unbound UDP socket
            udp_sock = Rex::Socket::Udp.create(
                'Context'   =>
                        'Msf'        => framework,
                        'MsfExploit' => self,

            request =
            payload = request.pack
            sent = udp_sock.sendto(payload, "", 67)
            if sent == nil
                print "failed to send to broadcast\n"

I've tried <broadcast> and still can't get anything. I've dug through
the socket and udp libraries and can't work out what I'm doing wrong.
If I put a unicast IP or a hostname as the sendto parameter the code

What am I doing wrong?


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