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[O.T.] load db_mysql autopwn don't work!!

From: andsarmiento at (Andrés Sarmiento)
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 00:53:22 -0400

Hi All.
I don't know if the problem; my new install? o the svn packages?.
I setup a fresh debian VM and install Metasploit like others PC than i use.
I was trying to use a load db_mysql for autopwn options but receive the
following error:

debian:~/msf3# ./msfconsole

                |                    |      _) |
 __ `__ \   _ \ __|  _` |  __| __ \  |  _ \  | __|
 |   |   |  __/ |   (   |\__ \ |   | | (   | | |
_|  _|  _|\___|\__|\__,_|____/ .__/ _|\___/ _|\__|

       =[ msf v3.3-dev
+ -- --=[ 365 exploits - 233 payloads
+ -- --=[ 20 encoders - 7 nops
       =[ 138 aux

msf > load db_mysql
[-] Error while running command load: no such file to load --
msf >

I list the /plugins directory and there isn't the db_mysql.rb

The svn install was: svn co msf3

Please let me know what is wrong.
Thanks in advance for reading.
Best Regards


Andr?s Sarmiento Adaros
Ingeniero en redes y comunicaciones
Casa: 02-4552904
M?vil:  08-7458276

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