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Why dooes it appear as if Metasploit hasn't updaten even though it has?

From: hdm at (hdm)
Date: Mon, 06 Apr 2009 20:47:32 -0500

Are you using the development tree or the 3.2 stable tree? If you see
the version as 3.3-dev, you have the right tree (dev), however the raw
IP modules will not work on Windows anyways. I recommend running MSF in
BackTrack4 to play with the raw IP modules.


On Tue, 2009-04-07 at 11:31 +1000, Professor 0110 wrote:

320 exploits, 99 auxiliary modules. 

Just out of curiosity - how many exploits and auxiliary modules are
there currently? 

Any more help on this problem will be immensely appreciated! :)

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Carlos Perez
<carlos_perez at> wrote:
        have you compared the number with msfconsole?
        On Tue, 2009-04-07 at 11:15 +1000, Professor 0110 wrote:
        > >>Sometimes to get correct numbers you need to
        'rm .msf3/modcache'.
        > Well, I translated that command to Windows XP and used
        del .msf3/modcache. The directory disappeared, Iran the update
        function again, and then accessed the Metasploit GUI but it's
        still stuck on 320 exploits and 99 auxiliary modules.
        > Any further help will be greatly appreciated! :)
        > Cheers,
        > _______________________________________________


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